Chapter 22

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Jack's POV

A whole day passed since Vic left, I knew the clock was ticking for us and we grew ever worried. We had to find a solution and find it fast, but without Vic's intel, there was nothing we could do.
"If he's not back in a couple hours I'll go looking for him." Alex sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
"What if Vic can't track Kellin?"
"He'll be able too, doesn't matter where it is, though, if he's in a basement somewhere, might take him a little longer then usual. But it doesn't matter where our note holders are, we'll always be able to find them."
"How does it work? like how do you track us and know where we are?"
"It's hard to explain if I'm honest. We're just kind of...drawn to you I guess. And plus our eyes help too, because obviously I've explained the whole fact that note holders don't show a life span, just a name. It's easier to find you if you have the note actually on you, but we still find you without it being on you. Just takes a bit more concentration and a little longer." Alex shrugged lightly. "He would've found him by now, I'm sure of that, it's probably just a case of there's probably the entire task force, and J there, so he's having to be careful. While they can't see us, if Vic started ruffling through papers, they'd notice."
"Oh, okay, I understand." I nodded. "But still, clocks ticking and the longer he's gone, the more I worry."
"I know baby but it's okay. Like I said, I'll give him a couple more hours and if no word I'll go find him." Alex placed his hands on my upper arms, squeezing them just a little.
"Yeah, okay. We'll be fine." I nodded.

That's how it had been, one minute we where freaking out, the next we where calming each other...then freaking out again, it was a nasty cycle. It wasn't fun at all but what else was there to do? Right now we where useless, and we where feeling the strain, the upset, the worry, the hurt. All we could do is freak out then try and calm each other down. Never in my life had I thought I'd ever end up in a situation like this, never since owning a note would it come to this. Well, it was always a small possibility, but I guess, like most humans I had that 'it would never happen to me' state of mind. That was a problem with humans. We know awful things happen all around us, but we take measures to protect ourselves, and we think that makes us safe, untouchable. But that's just not true. No matter who you are, where you are, what you do, how careful you are, what measures you take, you're never really safe. And when you're so set in your mind that you're safe, and it'll never happen to you...BOOM! It happens, and you're left freaking out...because although you think you've prepared for the worst, or secured yourself enough, you never really have. Because let's face it no one really knows how they're gonna react, how it's going to effect them, how much of an impact it's going to make until it happens. Another problem is that, 9/10 people are just stuck in their own lives, barely noticing others, unless it is to judge, or critique. That or their glued to their phone, on social media, where we're force fed lie after lie, leaving us to believe in nothing...or too much if you're one of those 'believe everything you read' types.

People live their lives these days bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts. One's reality might be an other's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies. Every human being relies on and is bound by his knowledge and experience to live. This is what we call "reality." However, knowledge and experience are ambiguous, therefore, reality can become an illusion. Is it not possible to think that all human beings are living in their own assumptions?

What I believe to be "correct" may be what other's believe to be "wrong"...but who's really is right at the end of the day? The answer, well, from what I've learned one side is correct, we're just living our own realities bound by the ways we where brought up, or what we believe is right and wrong. I believe, even still I have done some good, along side Kellin, ridding the world of wrong doers. But others, such as J, see us as people no better then those we have killed...we have just done it by means which don't include getting our hands dirty. But while I think those, who've we killed, are wrong do-ers, evil, scum, which, naturally 90% of us are programmed to think...maybe those who we believe to be wrong do-ers, believe they are doing is "correct" and "true"...according to their reality. And because of this, none of us can ever actually be "right"...we simply live by the concepts we are raised on. Concepts that can be tainted, through out our lives, by various means, and, no matter how you try, no two humans will ever work the same as the other.

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