Chapter 18

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**Four Days later**

Jack's POV

"Hey, you seen that guy from the school board? He was in my English class today." I asked Kellin as we where walking to Math.
"Yeah, he was in my criminology class Thursday, and again this morning."
"Ahh awesome, he came to speak to me today, he took a liking to my t-shirt." I chuckled, showing him my blink 182 t-shirt. "He said Blink where possibly one of the best punk bands of all time, I like him."
"Hmmm." Kellin sounded thoughtfully.
"What's up?"
"I don't know, you know I know...eyes?" His voice was lowered.
"Uh, yeah."
Kellin pulled me into one of the bathrooms and checked to make sure it was empty before speaking again.
"Well he says he's Josh Harding right? Well his surname isn't Harding, it's Franceschi."
"And? Yours is Bostwick but you prefer to go by Quinn." I shrugged, hell Alex didn't have a legit surname but he decided he wanted one so choose Gaskarth...don't ask how he came up with that one though. "People go by other surnames all the time."
"Yeah I know, I just get a funny feeling from him, that's all. Like, I don't know, he's hiding something."
"Ahhh Quinn, you're too paranoid, you're not thinking he could be..."
"At first but I doubt it, I've met many detectives and he doesn't seem the type, I don't know though, just something about him."
"Ahhh stop worrying your little mind Kellin, I doubt he would come out of hiding, he'd send men to do his dirty work. It's what he's been doing until now isn't it? That's why he's got his little task force."
"Yeah, I guess you're right, but we can never be too careful, you know?"
"I get you, also, I think if it was him he'd use a completely different name, not keeping to his first name. Even I could find out someone's real surname if I did some digging."
"Yeah that's what I thought, hence why I didn't say anything, he just seems, I don't know..."
"Cool? Come on, he likes Blink, and he likes Green Day too! I dare say if he wasn't some thirty odd year old from the school board we could be friends. And he's from England too."
Kellin chuckled. "Yeah, you're right, I guess I am just being paranoid at the moment. I'd probably be less paranoid if J came out of the wood works again."
"Yeah, I get you, it's putting me a little on edge too." I agreed. "Anyway, don't worry, we got precautions in place, it will be fine, let's get to class."
"Yeah, alright." He gave me a smile and nodded before we exited the bathroom and made our way to Math.

"So, how is everyone's undercover work going?" I asked as my task force sat before me.
"Well so far, for me, no one overly suspicious has come to mind, but there's still a few places I haven't been." Sykes sighed.
"Same here, I've got a couple that I know for sure I'd like to dig around a bit more with, but nothing definite." Bostwick nodded.
"Same as Bostwick for me." Pauley added.
"And you Worsnop?"
"I got nothing yet. I did some digging around a few in my most likely piles but they're now in my 'not likely' piles. What about you?"
"I have a few on my radar, but nothing definitive."
"I'm afraid to say at your son's college Bostwick, and someone in your old station, but there's again, some places I haven't checked out yet, and nothing's for sure."
"Have you met Kellin?" Sykes asked.
"Yes, only briefly though, we didn't have much chance to chat, but he seems like a good kid, and he's very bright too. I think, given what I've seen in his criminology classes he'll make a great detective one day, you've taught him well."
"Thank you." Bostwick bowed his head polietly.
"However...he will be remaining in my most likely list, for the time being. All the top students from that class will be."
"Why is that?" Pauely asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Well, think about it, these murders are going untraced...correct?" Everyone nodded their head. "Well, let me put it this way...if one of us, was to commit a crime, would we not know exactly how to cover it up so it didn't come back on us? Would be not know how to act afterwards too?"
"Well, I guess so, we know what we, as detectives would look out for." Worsnop pointed out.
"Exactly! So, my thinking is, it could very well be someone who is not only connected, but, would know what to do to cover their traces. I'm still looking at other people of course, as you know I believe there is two, maybe three involved, so I'm looking at these student's friends too, as well as friends of the suspected officers too. See who are are closest too. For example, and this is purly an example, Kellin has a group of friends at school, Zackary Merrick, Rian Dawson and Jack Barakat..."
"Yes, I've met Jack before, seems like a good kid." Bostwick nodded.
"Yes, he does, good music taste too...anyway they are the three closes to Kellin right? So, naturally, if I was to suspect Kellin to be Ramiro, I would naturally have to suspect them too, or at least do some digging around them."
"I see you're thinking here yes, but, for example purposes, personally, if say I was Ramiro, and I had people working with me, I wouldn't make it so...obvious, if you know what I mean? I wouldn't keep my workers so close, because I know that's what would be looked into."
"I have to agree with Sykes." Pauley nodded.
"Ahh while, again just as a pure example, do you not think Kellin, given how bright he is, would think the same? So, therefore, he might believe we wouldn't look at those closest to him so therefore, if he kept his fellow Ramiro's close, there would be less danger to them?"
"That's a good point actually." Worsnop agreed. "I guess, when it comes to who's helping, we have to look at both possibilities, that they are close to him, and they could also not be."
"Exactly!" I nodded. "So, I mean I don't really suspect Jack, Rian and Zack at all at this point, they've done nothing to nudge my instincts in their direction...however, I've only had small conversations with them all so far. So, for now I'll just watch their dynamics, see how they conduct themselves around each other, see if there's any warning signs. But we'd also have to look into any friends he has outside of college, maybe he uses websites where everyone can remain anonymous and such."
"Seems the smart thing to do." Bostwick nodded.

"Yes, and this is how I will conduct, and how I so wish you all conduct the investigation from here on. Should you suspect someone more so then any others, I would like you to do the same."
"Agreed." Pauley gave a small smile and the others nodded and sounded in agreement.
"Very well then, it seems we may actually start making some progress here." Just then, my phone went off. "Excuse me..." I got off my chair and walked out of ear shot of the others. "Hello? Yes, it's going well, we're finally making head way I feel...I agree yes it's about time...well there's currently Kellin Bostwick...yes his son, I say there's about at twelve percent chance right now but I'm still observing...yes, there is also others, Philip Manansala, Jack Folwer and Jenna McDougall from the college. And from the stations I've checked out so far, Officer Barham and Detective Bourget...yes, I believe all have between eleven to thirteen percent chance at this point...yes I have visited everywhere on my list and these are the ones I feel most likely...w-what? Is that safe? A-Are you sure? Okay, well, be careful...I will, bye."
"J getting a phone call?" Sykes raised his eyebrow at me as I walked back into the room.
"Yes, just the college asking what time I'd be in tomorrow." I lied. "Now, where were we..."

Jack's POV
**Time skip one week*

"You okay baby?" Alex stood in front of me, softly brushing hair from my face, eyes filled with concern.
"Yeah, just really starting to get to me that we haven't heard from J you know? Before, we at least knew what he knew and where he was. But, nothing in over a month now and Kellin's dad won't tell him anything and changed the code on his brief case so Kellin can't even get into it."
"Look baby, we've been through this okay, we have the precautions in hand. But, as long as the books aren't found, there's no possible way to connect you, or Kellin to any of it. J can try all he might, but he won't catch you. You and Kellin have been too clever about it, I think you're going to come out of this just fine. Kellin will find away to get into that case, we'll work out who J is and we'll put a stop to this."
"B-But...we can put an end to J...but...what about his task force? They could still carry on the investigation, and another J could come along."
"Isn't that why you've planned to not write in the book once J is gone? Not until you have to?"
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean they're going to give up."
"Baby please stop worrying, you'll get through this, I promise, and I'll be right there with you until the end, okay?"
I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, you're right. We'll find J before he finds us, we'll get you to hide the notes outside of Baltimore for safe keeping and we won't have to use them again for a long while."
"Exactly, you're burning pages once they're fall, so if on the off chance they are found, there won't even be evidence to connect you and Kellin in the books. So, just relax. I know not knowing who J is, or how hot on your tails he is, is difficult, but you got to relax. You've got to act normal, like you have been, if you start acting paranoid, like you're hiding something, then you're going to look suspicious."
"I know." I sighed. "It's going to be okay, we're going to be okay."
"Yes we are, because I love you, so much." He took my face in his hands and pressed his lips on mine.
"I love you too, no matter what."
"No matter what." He smiled and gave a small nod. "Now how about I make you feel better?"
"Oh my god it's like sex is all you think about." I chuckled.
"I can't help it, you're hot, and I love you, and my god you're looking hotter then ever today." He shrugged.
"You're awful." I shook my head smiling.
"But you love me though." He grinned.
"That I do." I pressed my lips on his softly, letting it linger before Alex deepened the kiss, running his tongue along my bottom lip. I resisted, it was fun teasing Alex because he'd get frustrated and he was cute when he got frustrated.
"Oh it's like that is it?" He pulled away, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Yup!" I nodded, popping the P on the end.
"Oh, okay...I see..." Next thing I knew, Alex pushed me back on the bed, instantly straddling my lips and took my bottom lip in between his teeth as he grinded his hips against mine. The actions caused me to moan which gave him the perfect opportunity to snake his tongue in my mouth.

"Oh, shit, sorry..." A voice came, making us jump and quickly stand up to find Vic with his back turned to us.
"Sorry dude, you're good, you can turn around now." Alex chuckled but instantly stopped the second Vic turned around. "Vic?"
"What's wrong?" I looked concerned.
"It's K-Kellin..."

A/N: Oooooooh shhhhhiiiittt! What's happened to Kellin? And yes, that's where I'm leaving it...because I'm mean :P

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