Chapter 14

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Another week passed with nothing from this J, and I couldn't lie, it was making me nervous not hearing anything. Alex tried his best to put my mind at ease, but I could tell he was starting to worry too. Both of us knew what there was too loose if this all went wrong, it wasn't just the fact I'd be facing jail for the rest of my life, I'd loose Alex too. I'd loose him in the worst way, it wouldn't be like we spent our, or well my life with him and I died naturally of old age and happy, happy that I spent my life with the man I loved. And Alex could go back home happy that he spent as many years with me as he could and cherish the happy memories for as long as he lived. No, there would be so much pain, so much hurt, and four hundred and ninety long, painful days where I could see him but never touch him, never kiss him, never be close to him again until he faded away and my ownership ended because I wouldn't be able to use the note from jail. I'd forget, but Alex never would, and the happy memories would be tainted with pain and hurt. It broke my heart to think that how this could all end, but I was determined to find away so it wouldn't end like that. I wanted us to have as happier of an ending as we possibly could, and with J around, that wasn't going to be possible. I had to find him before he found me and put an end too all of this, but how? I had no idea.

"There's still the option of giving it up, you're memories will go about me, the note and it'll be like it never happened." Alex looked at me sadly.
I shook my head. "No, that's not an option, not for me, I don't want to forget you, I can't, it just not an option, not unless I'm forced too."
"I-I'm sorry Jack."
"For what?"
"I-If I hadn't of been so selfish, dropped the note and found my way into your life you'd probably be off happy with your friends, not a care in the world and you wouldn't be going through all this."
"Don't say that! I don't regret anything that's happened for a second, it's hard yes, and the thought of this going wrong is one of the most painful things I could think of, but, I wouldn't change any of this for the world."
"I just feel maybe you'd be better off..."
"Please don't say that Lex, I love you, and no matter what happens I will be grateful I had the time I did with you. Even if it goes bad and I end up loosing ownership and forget, in my heart, I'll always be grateful and I will always love you, my heart will always be yours. Just know that okay?"
"Okay." He nodded with a small smile. "And mine will always be yours, I just hope this works out. I want to be able to see you grow old and be by your side."
"You won't want me when I'm all old, grey and looking all wrinkly while you still look like a stud!" I gave a little chuckle.
"Oh but I will, and hey, I can make myself age too you know, I could change myself into a girl if I really wanted. Although, I'm actually a guy, I'm male, but I could make myself appear as a human girl, if I really fancied it."
"Please don't." I shook my head. "I like you just the way you are, I'm not into women."
"I know." His smile this time was bigger and brighter, it was still laced with a little sadness though. "I'll stay like this, I think this look suits me. Say, if I looked any different, you think you would've still fallen in love with me?"
"I have no doubt about it, while the looks attracted me to you at first, I fell in love with you not what you look like." I took his face in my hands and pressed my lips on his.
"And that's why I'll still love you when your old and grey." He winked.
"Touche, well played there sir, well played." I giggled.

Just then my phone bleeped, signalling I had a text message come through. I pulled out my phone and opened the message from Kellin.
Kellin: I need you to come over in an hour, there's something I need to speak to you about, it's important, can you get over?
Me: Shouldn't be a problem, I'll just tell my mom I'm going to a friends to study, what's wrong?
Kellin: I'll speak to you later, too difficult to explain over text.
Me: Okay, see you in an hour.
"We got to go to Kellin's."
"What's up?" Alex looked at me confused.
"Didn't say, said it was too difficult to explain over text but it's important. I'm just going to let mom know I need to go over to Kellin's to study or something, want me to bring you back an apple?"
"Silly question." He grinned. "Of course I want you to bring me up an apple...uh, please!"
"Sure." I laughed and headed downstairs.

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