Chapter 13

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  A month had passed since I met Kellin, or well, found out Kellin was the second note holder to be more exact. It was a little difficult at first, given neither of us could fully trust the other, but now we seemed to have a good thing going. We'd found a pattern that worked for us, Kellin had more free time during the day, as he only had two classes a day, while I was only really able to write in the evenings after dinner with my family. So, we figured, as this J was on our scent due to the 'timings' of these deaths, we'd put that to use. We also agreed that on Saturdays I wouldn't write at all, so I could spend my day with Alex, just us, and Kellin wouldn't write at all on Sundays, so he could spend time with Vic. It became clear that I wasn't the only one who could fall for my Shinigami, Vic and Kellin couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Although there was a small part of me that still didn't trust Kellin one hundred percent, it was actually kind of nice having someone to speak to about the whole thing, not just the whole note side of things, but the relationship side too. While I was happy keeping Alex my little secret, it was nice just having one person who knew and didn't think I was totally batshit insane for being in love with a god of death, because, well, he was too. Another great thing about Kellin, is, he had access to information I could never get hold of because his dad was a detective. He was also teaching me ways to cover my tracks better and helped me find a better way of hiding our books. We buried them in a nearby forest like area, and just took out a couple of pages. Which, once they where filled, we burned. We only ever went to retrieve pages at night, and we changed locations once already, I could look a bit suspect if anyone ever did see us, going to the same place at night, once a week. But it was a sure way to make sure, if we we ever became suspects, there would be zero evidence in our homes, in our bags or in our colleges. The pages we held where always kept on our beings so we could quickly chuck them away if we where to get caught.

He was also helping me learn how to not act suspicious, and what to do, and say if I was every taken in for questioning. Having Kellin around was proving very handy, and he was becoming a good friend too. I of course was helping Kellin in the ways I could, telling him what I knew, what I'd learned and how I found it was best to use the note. We came to work together very well after we got over the little bumps and it was going great.

One thing did worry me though, this J had gone quite, like too quite, we hadn't heard a thing from him, not on the news, no board casts or anything. I know they usually say no news, is good news, but in this case, it wasn't, I needed to know where he was and if he discovered anything new.
"Stop worrying." Alex kissed my forehead.
"I'm trying, I just want to know what he's up to, he's too quite." I sighed.
"I know baby, but it'll be okay, you and Kellin got this covered yeah? I believe in you, it'll work out for you, for us."
"I hope so." I gave him a small smile and pressed my lips against his. "I love you."
"And I love you baby, and I always will." He gave me a small, sweet, loving smile. "I know it's not an ideal situation, but I'm glad I dropped the note and you picked it up. I couldn't imagine having a more perfect man in my life."
"I'm glad too, and I'm not perfect, just a boy madly in love with his Shinigami who is the height of perfection."
"Oh but you are perfect." He chuckled. "Too me anyway. Now, why don't we kick back, put Netflix on and carry on watching Buffy? I'm enjoying the show."
"Buffy is life!" I nodded. I decided to start introducing Alex to all the best TV shows I could think of. I'd already showed him all the films I love, and we'd just finished Braking Bad on Netflix. So Buffy was our next show, we'd only got through the first half of the first season so far, but Alex seemed hooked, which was great. "Sounds perfect."
"Well go grab me an apple and we'll do that." He grinned.
"You and apples." I rolled my eyes before kissing him and going downstairs to grab an apple and some snacks.


 This was frustrating, I'll give it to this Ramiro, he was clever. Now, I was convinced there was just one, or maybe two, that I was sure of. But I just couldn't work out how they where committing these murders. Nothing made sense on that side of things, random heart attacks, out of the blue accidents, suicides. Of course, as I've thought before, these things could be a coincidence, and at first yes, that's what I thought. But now, nearly a hundred criminals where I was sure it was no longer a coincidence. I thought at first, after deciding someone was behind this, due to the heart attacks being the main cause of death, the accidents and suicides where just coincidence. And then maybe, this Ramiro had a way of poisoning his victims. But then every single tox screen came back clear. While there are untraceable poisons, we would have caught something by now, but nothing. Then of course more accidents and suicides happened, and that theory was thrown out.

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