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**One year later**

Alex's POV

I sat, curled up over the little hole that over looked the human world, it's where I spent most of the time these days. At first, when I was forced to come back home, it was hard. Watching everyone still talking about Jack and Kellin, and what happened. Even though they where dead, people still lived in fear, for a little while. But eventually, the world was restored to what it was before, full of hate, crime, war, murders, rapes, everything. Sitting here watching people getting butchered by loved ones or strangers and getting away with it. I never really noticed it before, but now I did, and it was awful, it made me angry. How can one race be filled with so much hatred? Humanity had reached braking point and one day, soon enough, humanity as we knew it would be gone. Swallowed up by war, distruction, hatred, anger, with the corrupt ruling each country, claiming they where trying to save it...when they only made it worse.

Everyone always said Kellin and Jack made such a massive difference on the human world. While me and Vic where down there with them, everything seemed more...peaceful. Maybe it's because they where living in fear, but the world was still a calmer, more peaceful place. People where kinder to each other, people looked out for one another, people cared, even if it was out of fear, it was better. They made the world a better place, but they where stopped, and killed, because the corrupted where too blind too see, Ramiro is what the world needed. As bad as it sounded, the world needed a little fear...fear of real, hard concequences should they do awful things. But with Jack and Kellin gone and no trace of Ramiro...the world was back to how it was. The day they where put to death never left my mind.


I stood there as I watched them walk Jack and Kellin into the room where they would be given their sentance. There where too gurney's in there, with ankle and wrist restraints. In the room next door, stood officals, the task force, and their families.

I watched as Kellin's mother and father cried their heart out, no matter what they still loved their son, and they where about to watch him die. They could've never anticipated it coming to this.

And then there was Jack's family, they'd sworn to disown him, to never see or speak to him again, but, as soon as they heard of his fate...they realised as much as they hated what Jack had done, they didn't want their son to die. Jack's father stood their, craddling May and Jack's mom, all praying for a mircle that would never happen.

They where strapped to the gurneys, me and Vic standing beside them unknown to everyone, holding their hands. We tried so hard to sooth them, but it was hopeless, they where both terrified. Tears poured from all four of us, and the priest began talking and the doctors prepared the syringes, containing the liquid that would soon put them to end.

"I love you so much Lex, I'm so sorry." Jack thought, making sure I heard him loud and clear.

"No baby, this is all my fault please don't be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. I love you so much Jack." I sniffed, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I'm so sorry Kellin."

There was a moment silence before Vic spoke. "He said it's okay, he forgave you long ago."

Jack's Deathnote ~Jalex~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora