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  Mystery POV
I sighed out of boredom, there was never anything to do here. My realm had been falling apart for centuries, slowly, but surely. A few of my fellow Shinigami's where playing some game they invented out of boredom using bones from humans and animals, but I wasn't interested. I yearned for excitement, for adventure, but I wasn't going to get that in his desert wasteland. That was the best way to describe my realm, but then again, is was the realm of the Shinigami's...the gods of I guessed it was appropriate.

Now this may surprise you, but when people think of Shinigami's they see things like the 'Grimm reaper' as I believe it's called in the human world. Or they'd see some Gothic image, pale faces, crazy red eyes, maybe with wings, no flesh, all bones maybe, there was all sorts of variations. Now, this is partly true, here in the Shinigami realm, we would appear similar to the Gothic images human's created. But if we entered the human world, we could make ourselves look just like one of them, perfectly human. Not that just anyone could see us, no, only which ever human possessed our Deathnote.

Sometimes we'd look through our portal, into the human world, like I am now, watch the human's go about their every day life. I'd been to the human world once before, nearly one thousand years ago now, it was fun, and their ways where so...interesting. For thousands of years we've watched them, but we never really understood how humans thought, how or why they did the things they did. It intrigued me to say the least, I was a curious soul.

"Hey, stop looking so glum." Matt, one of my fellow Shinigami's chuckled darkly.
"I'm bored." I groaned.
"Tell me something new." He rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't do it if I where you..."
"Do what?"
"I know what you're thinking, remember the trouble you caused last time, or well, you're human caused? The great Shinigami won't be impressed."
I scoffed. "Hey, I just made things interesting."
"Well, you'll do what you will, you always do." He shrugged. "I'm going to mess with Vic, steal his Deathnote and hide it, he hates that."
"Have fun." I waved him away with my hand and focused my attention back on the human world.

Deathnotes, the human's whose name is written in this note shall die. That's how it worked, every human had a life span, and when their time was up, we'd write their names in our Deathnote's, along with how we so wish them to die and it's done. There of course where rules, but I won't go into that, not even we fully understood the Deathnote's and how they worked. Everything we knew we had to learn for ourselves and write them in the book. You'd think, having been a Shinigami for two thousand years I'd know everything there is about these Deathnote's, but you'd be wrong. It was just the other day, or month, maybe even year, I didn't really keep track, that I discovered I could write the cause of death and write the name at a later time. I'd always assumed we'd have to write the name...then how they'd die. But as I said, I won't go into all the rules, for now anyway.

I was about to give up, nothing was interesting in the human world today, when a sight of a boy caught my eye. He must of only been nineteen, minding his own business sat in some college class room. He looked about as bored as I felt. Baltimore, that's where he was.

"Hey great Shinigami, Austin, I need a new Deathnote." I didn't, I'd simply hidden mine so he'd believe I needed a new one.
"Why?" He looked at me unimpressed.
"I've filled mine." I shrugged.
"Where is it?"
"Dropped it somewhere around here, I'll bring it to you when I find it in this wasteland."
"You're awful you know?" He shook his head and handed me a new Deathnote. "Very well...but this better not lead to trouble..."
"Of course not..." Ok, well, that was a slight lie, but I was bored, so shot me...not that would actually do anything. There was only one way, that we knew of anyway, for us to die.

I found the Deathnote I hid earlier, placing back on the chain I wore around my neck, chuckling to myself. This is going to be fun. I now had two Deathnotes in my ownership, one I could happily afford to 'accidentally' drop. And that's what I did, I 'accidentally' dropped the second Deathnote, right where I wanted it to drop, now all I had to do was wait...

Jack's POV
College...Same shit, different day, it never ends. I never really wanted to come to college, I hated school, but I was forced to, by my parents. So here I was, in English, bored out of my brains listening to the teacher ramble on about something about Shakespeare, or something like that.
"Jack, can you read the first line of Hamlet to the class please?" My teacher, Mr. Mullins snapped me back to reality.
I sighed and turned my attention to my book. "Who's there? Spoken by Bernardo."
"Thank, who can tell me what the significance of this line is?" Hand shot up, I could've answered, I knew the answer, but to be frank, I couldn't be bothered.

I was a nineteen year old, tall, some may say lanky, tanned skinned, skunk haired boy who yearned for excitement, for adventure. Life was so boring, we where all sheep in this life, following sets of both written, and unwritten rules and laws. Well, most followed, there was those who strayed, criminals, filthy, dirty criminals who got let off too easy in my eyes, but what could I do? I was just a lowly college student, become a police officer? No, I'd become just corrupt as them. A judge? No they're corrupt too...the entire system was corrupt and I'm just me. What could I do to change that? Nothing, that's what. So I just followed, like others did, doing what was expected of me.

Finally the bell rang, relieving me from the hell hole, for today anyway. I threw my things into my bag and hurried towards the door.
"Hey Jack!" I heard Zack call from behind. "Fancy a game of Fifa tonight around mine with Rian and Kellin?"
"I can't, my dad just got back from a business trip, I have to eat dinner with the family tonight." I sighed.
"Boooo! Alright then, see you tomorrow?"
"Sure." I nodded and made my way out of the college.

I was just about to leave campus when my eyes fell on a black book, just laying there on the ground. Out of curiosity, I read the front Deathnote. Probably some college kid's note book who had a fascination with death...there was a few of them. Not many, but every school and college had their goth kids.
I picked it up and opened the first page, usually college kids put their names in the front page so I hoped to find a name so I could return it. But instead, I was faced with a black page, with white Gothic writing and the words 'How to use the Deathnote: 1-The humans whose name is written in this note shall die.' I chuckled to myself, how stupid? It was clearly just some prank some bored college kid was playing. I placed the book back on the floor and went to walk away.

But what if it is real and fell into the wrong hands? I thought to myself, god knows why, then again, I was never one to rule out things like Vampires existing, or Witches, or anything like that. So I guess I couldn't rule out the one percent chance it's real and risk it falling into the wrong hands. There was already too much evil in the world.
So with that, I picked it up, putting it in my bag and proceeded to make my way home.

A/N: Ok so I decided to give you a short Prologue, because I'm nice like that. Yes it's short, but it's just to open the story and give you some background. Pleaseeeee let me know what you think? Yeah? Cool!
Princess Faithpunzell xoxo

Oh that on the side is Austin's Shinigami form (yes it's from Bleach haha). And yes Austin is the Great Shinigami...because I can :P I'll include the others if and when needed. And this mystery person's too...though surely you've guessed who it is lol :P

Jack's Deathnote ~Jalex~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora