Chapter 26

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Jack's POV

I barely slept at all, in fact, I've only slept maybe an hour and now it was 5 A.M. I was beyond tired, physically and emotionally but I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. Usually Alex laying here with me, asleep, letting out cute light snores helped me relax, but tonight it wasn't working.

All I could do was think about Kellin, and how this is all my fault. They can say it isn't my fault, that I'm not to blame, but in the end, it was my fault. I should've just rid of the note when I said I would, but no, I had been totally and utterly selfish...and now my best friend was paying the price. I had no idea what was going to happen to him, and I was scared. The thought of him in jail, alone, not being able to be with Vic and eventually loose him from being unable to use the note. And then he would loose his memory entirely of the note, which will only leave him lost, scared and confused as to why he was locked up. He would literally go insane, they would tell him he killed so many, but have no memory of it. They'd make him feel as if he was crazy, and, then he was actually go crazy. And he knew this, but he still did it, to protect me. It made my stomach churn, it riddled me with the worst guilt I'd ever felt, a level of guilt I'd never thought was even humanly possible. He was my best friend, and he took the fall for all of it and protected me.

I carefully got out of bed, throwing on some sweats and a hoodie, being careful not to wake Alex. I scribbled something, a note, on a piece of paper and left it on my pillow, before grabbing my note and walking out the door.

I had no idea what I was doing, well actually I knew exactly what I was doing. I was going to get Kellin's note. Then I was going to rewrite all the names in my note, in my handwriting, and Kellin's, in Kellin's hand writing, I knew his hand writing well enough by now so I should be able to pull it off.

I looked at my watch, 7 A.M, I'd managed to correct both notes in just under two hours, Alex usually woke about eight on a weekend, and it was Saturday so I had an hour before he woke and tried to stop me. I couldn't let Kellin go down on his own, it wasn't fair in any sense. I chuckled a little as I recalled a song we'd all written together a little while ago.

A Love like War, I smiled as I recalled me and Kellin playing the guitars as Alex and Vic sang the words. The words we go together or we don't go down at all, a line from the song, resonated loudly in my head, over and over. We do go down together or we don't go down at all. Kellin's gone down, so I'm going with him, it was a promise spoken in song, and I wasn't going to brake that promise.

The more I thought, the more I realised the song was so appropiate for us. Our loves where, in a way like war, or at least it felt it. A war between us, and J, a war between us four, trying to find a happy ever after that I guess we all knew deep down was impossible. We where human's, they where Shinigami's, we where fools to ever believe it would've worked out.

I let out a long sad sigh, I knew Alex wouldn't want me to do this, and I broke my heart knowing that, but I just couldn't see Kellin go down alone. It wasn't fair for him, or for Vic, to have Kellin taking the fall for everything while me and Alex had our happily ever after. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, and I know Alex felt awful too, so it was for the best.

"Can I help?" The smartly dressed, blonde haired lady behind the desk of the police station asked, looking up at me.

"I-I need to speak to someone on the Ramiro case."

"I-oh-I don't think-"

"Please, It's urgent, I-I have some information they're going to need."

"O-Okay, let me just call someone and see if they will see you, give me a moment please, what's your name?"

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