Chapter 17

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  Kellin's POV
I was sat at lunch with Jack, Rian and Zack, usually we all went our own ways for lunch, Rian and Zack would go off somewhere, Jack with Alex and me with Vic. However it was Thursday and we always ate together on Thursdays simply because we had Math's together before lunch, and then music together after, plus Thursdays where pizza days in the canteen and who didn't love pizza?
"So, how's your classes going Kel?" Rian asked with a smile.
"Okay, we're actually discussing this Ramiro thing in criminology at the moment."
"Ahh yeah, all the criminals dying." Zack nodded. "You know, now it's been going on so long, and I've seen on the news the obvious drops in crime rates around the world, I don't think it's such a bad thing. I mean sure, murder is murder, but it's making the world a better place. It's a grey area though."
"Mmmm I agree. I mean this Ramiro is a murderer, so really he's not exactly much better then those he rids of. However in saying that, he's saving innocent lives. So yeah." Rian shrugged. "Not saying I'd do it personally, but ya know..."
"Mmm I'm still on the fence about it, like Zack said, it's a grey area." Jack chimed in. I knew that wasn't his true opinion, he was Ramiro after all, but he wasn't exactly going to go saying 'yeah I think it's great, let him get on with it' was he?
"What's your opinion Kel? I mean after all your dads a police officer isn't he? And you want to be one too?"
"I want to be a detective actually." I chuckled. "I get your points, on one hand I guess he is doing the world a favour, but it's still wrong. Murder is murder no matter which way you twist it. I think it's right this J is trying to find him, it's his job, it's our job."

"Yeah I agree, like I said, it is a grey area." Zack sighed. "Anyway who's looking forward to finishing off our awesome song today?"
"Hell yeah, it's going to be great!" Jack nodded excited. "We still need a title for it though?"
"Ooooh how about weightless? I mean the words in the song and I think it fits?" I suggested.
"I like it!" Rian agreed. In our little group, Rian was on drums, Zack was on Bass, Jack was on guitar and backing vocals while I was on vocals and guitar too.
"Well given I helped with the lyrics and vocals I like it..." Alex's voice sounded. It was true, Alex had helped Jack write the lyrics and helped me with the vocal line. It made me and Jack jump a little given we didn't even realize he'd decided to drop by, but thankfully the other two hadn't noticed.
"Well I'm glad you like it. Where's Vic?"
"I love you too baby." Alex grinned, clearly talking to Jack. "And yes I do like it Kellin, and I helped so you better make it awesome! Then when I go back to my realm one day I can be all like 'yeahhh I wrote a song!', they'll all be jealous! And as for Viccy he is back at yours, probably masturbating, so don't ask me to go check, I don't need to see his dick in his hand."
Me and Jack tried to stifle giggles at Alex's comment. "Right so Weightless then?" I spoke clearing my throat, trying to ignore Alex who was clearly trying to wind me and Jack up, pulling funny faces, making random comments and talking as if he was a part of the conversation. It's not that he wasn't, but you know, Zack and Rian couldn't see or hear him.
"Sounds good." Zack nodded.

"Hey Jack!" I called after him as he headed into the bathroom.
I paused for a second, making sure no one was in the bathroom. "You thought of someone who could be our third backup?"
"Hmm not yet, Rian wouldn't be a good fit, Zack might, but I'd rather use someone who, you know, isn't my best friend. But...Alex I know you're here, stop hiding..." Jack sighed.
"Sorry." Alex giggled, coming out from a cubical, one I checked literally seconds ago.
"As I was saying, Alex told me this morning, how although he can't tell us who holds a deathnote, he can help us find Vic found you. There's no rules stopping him doing that."
"Oh?" I raised an eye brow.
"Yup, and I already have a few options, I'll discuss them with you tonight when Vic's around. You're still planning on meet up right?"
"We are." I nodded. "We're going to Rian's for practice, as far as the other two are concerned, Jack will be giving me a lift home as my cars 'in the garage' so yeah."
"Ahhh nice! Okay, well I'll run them by you later." Alex smiled.
"Sounds good."
"Right, I really need to pee, and then we got to get to class, I'll see you later ok?" Jack turned to Alex.
"Mmmm okay baby, have fun." Alex smiled and kissed Jack. I couldn't lie, made me a little envious Vic wasn't here, I missed him.

Jack's Deathnote ~Jalex~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ