Chapter 25

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Jack's POV

"Nearly done babe? We got just over two hours before Justin's house is searched."

"Yeah, just writing the last few now." I nodded, copying Justin's handwriting was a little harder then I thought, but I think I'd managed to get it close enough to match. It looked the same to me, so hopefully, they'll buy it.

"You sure you want to do this? Last chance to change your mind, once Vic's planted it, there's no going back." Alex wrapped his arms around my neck loosely from behind me and pressed a kiss on my neck.

"We don't have much choice Lex, I'll live with it. If I can live with killing umpteen people, I'm sure I'll survive. It's better then the other option."

"Yeah you're right, just want you to be sure that's all. I love you, so damn much, but I...I just don't want to ruin your life more then I already have." Alex sighed sadly.

I turned around in my seat to face him. "You haven't ruined it Lex. Sure it's not the most ideal lives, or situations, but we've been through this. Using the note was my choice, no one else's, same with Kellin...we just happened to have fallen madly in love with our Shinigami's while we where at it. But despite all this, you've made me happier then I have and could ever be, so please, don't think like that. I love you."

"I love you too. Guess Austin was right, Shinigami's and notes in the human world are a recipe for disaster, can never really end well."

"Well while I'll agree it's a recipe for disaster, it's been our disaster, and we've been through it, together, and we're happy together...just like Kellin and Vic. But, we can make this end well."

"Fingers crossed hey?" Alex gave me a small smile before pressing his lips against mine.

"It'll work, don't worry." I reassured him, giving him a quick peck, before turning around again to finish off the last few names. "Where did Vic go?"

"Oh he went to Justin's house to find somewhere to hide the note. He'll be back shortly, don't worry. Thought it would make it a little quicker."

"Good idea." I let out a little chuckle. "Guess he's the one with the real brains out of us."

"Hmmm we all have brains I think, we're all pretty smart, but yeah his is probably the biggest."

"Well, we wouldn't even have this option if it wasn't for Vic's thinking."

"Very true indeed, but you know, that's the man he loves locked up in there, so naturally his instincts are going to kick in. If that was you in that, I'd be begging for us to use the same option."

"Yeah, I guess when it comes to people you love, you'd do anything you can to protect them."

"Exactly." Alex nodded. "I'd do anything to protect you."

"Except save me...otherwise you'd die."

"No, I'd do that too. Maybe not when it was first mentioned all those months ago, but now I would. I love you too much."

"I wouldn't want you die, for me. I'd rather die, then live without you."

"And I'd rather die then live without you so..."

I laughed. "Yeah, yeah, okay touché Gaskarth."

"Good boy, now come on, hurry up, clocks ticking." Alex urged.

"Eleven names left and we're done...I never realized how many we'd killed...we've killed over a hundred at least!"

"All filthy criminals who deserved it, most would of used it for evil...killed innocents...just because they didn't like them for some reason or another. But you, you used it for protected people."

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