Chapter 5

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Jack's POV

Three days, three days since Alex kissed me and I couldn't stop thinking about it. My lips still tingled every time I thought about how his cold but soft, sweet lips felt on mine. About how right it felt, like two puzzle pieces fitting together.

We hadn't kissed since, in fact I hadn't seen him much the last three days. In between college, studying, deciding to take my moms advice and spend the day with my friends and Alex deciding to go off and explore the area we'd barely been around each other.
I think it did me some good though, I was slowly starting to wrap my head around this entire thing. Only three names had gone in the book since, one a day, before going to bed.
A part of me still kept telling me how wrong it was, but like Alex said, I choose to carry on, I could've given it up, but I didn't, and I didn't want too.

Even though I knew it was wrong, the more names I wrote, more I felt like I was doing the world a favour, saving innocent lives.
But I knew I was soon going to run out of names, the internet only holds so much information. I knew there was thousands on cases that have been dismissed, buried, hidden that none of us would ever know about.
I already had to resort to killing two major criminals already convicted, but were let off way too easy with their sentence.
I needed a way in, I needed to get to those names and faces that have been buried in the sand, but how? I didn't know anyone in the police force, or any lawyers, judges etc, and my computer hacking skills, well a toddler would have a better chance at hacking then me.

But even if I did know anyone, it's not like I could ask them anyway is it? Maybe I could take up a criminology class? That would give me a reason to go to the station and ask questions? Maybe even get an internship or something? I don't know, I'd figure something out. For now I just had to take it easy and be careful of my moves, the last thing I needed was someone getting suspicious.

"Yo Jack!" Zack waved his hand in front of my face.
"Huh? What? Sorry, was thinking." Bringing myself back to planet earth.
"About?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh just the tests next week." I lied.
"You worry to much." He chuckled. "Anyway, have you seen that new kid?"
"New kid?" I questioned, I hadn't noticed a new kid.
"Started today apparently, transferred from Oregon or something like that. Small, black hair, blue eyes, about our age?"
"No, can't say I have." I shook my head. "Why?"
"Just wondering." He shrugged.
"Mr. Barakat, Mr. Merrick, care to share was is so important you must disrupt my lesson to the entire class?"
"Um, no Mrs. Tardine, sorry." Zack cowered a little in his seat. She glared for a moment but carried on with the lesson.

"You're all over the internet." The sound of Alex's voice made me jump as I walked into my bedroom.
"Jesus Lex!" I tried to calm my now racing heart.
"No, that's Shinigami Lex actually." He teased with a smirk.
"Yeah yeah, hang on, wait, what do you mean I'm all over the net?"
"Google 'Ramiro', it should be the first one."
I furrowed my eye brows, confused as I typed in the name on the laptop. And there is was.
Ramiro, Devine judge of the guilty, as the first hit on google.

After half an hour of strolling through pages and pages of this 'Ramiro' it became clear my ideas of going completely unnoticed failed. Hundreds and thousands believed this sudden rise in criminals deaths was the work of a god sent to protect the innocent and judge the guilty and they all...supported me! They all agreed that it was about time something was done and believed our system had become too corrupt. They all said how 'Ramiro' should continue his work and not give up until all scum was wiped from the earth.
I was god smacked. And slightly confused as to why the name 'Ramiro'.
"Portuguese name meaning supreme judge I believe." Alex spoke, causing my head to snap in his direction. "They clearly think you're some god, sent to cast judgement on the guilty. So I guess it makes sense."
"I-this is insane."
"Not really, if you think about it. Honestly, think about it for a second..."
And I did, and that's when I realised, I wasn't alone in my thinking, I never had been.

Jack's Deathnote ~Jalex~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ