Chapter 16

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  Jack's POV

"So, what's this plan you two have been drawing up then?" I looked over to Alex and Vic who where sat quite comfortably on my bed, while I was sat in my desk chair, and Kellin on my bean bag.
"Well, if you two get caught, you'll use the safe words to relinquish ownership right?" Alex started.
"Yes, that's the plan, we can't be guilty, or well at least look guilty, if we can't remember shit." Kellin nodded.
"Meaning, me and Vic have a deathnote each, without humans..." Alex continued. "Now, we don't have to return to the Shinigami realm straight away you see. We have like two days to return. And I think Vic's idea is bloody brilliant, because it'll clear your names too."
"How?" I looked at him confused.
"Well, see, either me or Alex, will find a new owner. How many supporters does Ramiro have? Thousands and then some! So it'll be easy for us to find a hardcore supporter, and we can manipulate them to doing your work until you're in the clear, and then, well we can make sure you touch the notes again and gain ownership back."
"One small issue though...what if the third won't give up ownership?"
"Jack's got a point." Kellin nodded.
"Ahh that's where Alex's best friend Matt comes in. Took some convincing, but he agreed that if he wouldn't, then he would drop a note right next to one of you. So then, we just got to count on you touching it."
"Wait, so then this...Matt would be one of our Shinigami's while one of you are someone else's?"
"Temporarily yes Kellin." Alex nodded. "However, that's where, so say for example, I've handed my note to the third person right? So, Matt would drop his right by you, you touch it, he becomes your Shinigami for the time being. Following?"
"Yeah." Personally, I didn't like the idea of Alex belonging to someone else, but I guess if it worked and got us off the hook then it had to be done.
"Right then all you need to do, is find Kel, get him to touch your note, all his memories will come flooding back. And then Vic can hand his note back to Kellin, giving ownership back to Kellin."
"And that's when you two will have to do the work. Sadly, we won't be able to tell you who the third note owner is, so it'll be down to you to work it out. Or, the other option is, you pre select someone for us to give it too. Anyway, then you two can track said person down, and convince him to give his up. You can own more then one note at a time, so Jack, you can reclaim ownership of Alex's, after that, relinquish ownership of Matt's, meaning Matt can be on his merry way back home and like that, all is right in the world."
"Okay, I think that could work, kind of complicated, but I think that would work. Although, what if the third still won't give it up?" Kellin questioned.
"Simple case of just swapping them then. Jack can exchange Matt's for Alex's, so Matt becomes the third's Shinigami, and Alex is back with you."
"You can do that?" I raised an eye brow.
"Yup, what you have to do is, hold the notes out to each other, you both give it up at the same point. You have about a minute before your memories disappear so you very quickly take the other off each other and sorted." Alex explained.
"But don't you have to write a name in first to own it?"
"No Kellin." Vic shook his head.
"Oh wow, okay my head hurts now." I rubbed the bridge of my nose in between my index finger and thumb. "But yet, others can touch our notes without taking ownership from us?"
"Yes, that's why you have to give up ownership before swapping, otherwise, it's just kind of pointless. Because you'll be holding my note, but they'll still own it."
"Ok, that makes sense...I think." Kellin nodded.

There was silence while me and Kellin tried to process all the plan and new information. "Right, so, in short..." I started. "If we both get caught, we give up ownership, you find a third. If he doesn't give it up, once we're cleared, Matt comes in. Using me again for the sake its easier to use the same example...I find Kellin, make him touch my new note, Matt's. Both of our memories will be restored, Kellin gets his back, we find third person and either exchange or make him give it up?"
"In a nut shell yes baby." Alex got up, walking over to me and pressed his lips on my forehead. "Obviously not the most ideal situation, but it's the only plan any of us can think of that's going to work if you both get caught."
"Alex is right." Kellin nodded in my direction. "It's the only thing that's going to work to ensure we both get our memories, notes and Shinigami's back."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I nodded in agreement. "Wait, will Kellin even be able to see Vic if he touches Matt's note."
"No, like you won't be able to see Alex until you touch the thirds again. You'll remember him, but not see him, you'll have to touch his note again. But after touching yours, Kellin will see Matt, Matt will borrow mine, while I still own it of course, and hand it to Kellin. And then he'll see me again, and he'll own my note."
"Okay, that makes sense." I sighed. "I think that's enough information for one night."
"Agreed." Kellin chuckled. "You two have had thousands of years to get used to the rules, I've had like a month, Jack, what, two-three months now? So yeah, that's enough information to process for now."
"Yeah, sorry, hey, we still get confused by it sometimes, there's still things not even we know about the note." Vic chuckled. "And this is our job, so I can imagine it's confusing for you two."
"I'll try and track down a trustworthy third person. It'll be easier if we know who we're looking for, as you're not allowed to tell us."
"I'll have a think too." Kellin sighed. "But for now, I think I'm going to head home, lots to process and I have a criminology paper due on Friday."
"Yeah I got to do my Math." I groaned, I didn't like Math.
"Alright then, well I'll see you in music tomorrow?"
"Sure. See you later." Vic and Kellin said they're goodbyes and left.

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