Chapter 15

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  Kellin's POV
"Hey dad." I smiled as my dad, who looked beyond tired walked in the door.
"How's my favorite young detective?" He ruffled my hair with a smile.
"I'm good, h-how's the investigation?"
My dad let out a long sigh. "You know I'm not supposed to discuss the case with you Kellin, I've already told you more then I should."
"I just want to know how it's going, that's all." I shrugged.
"Well, right now...slow. There's still too many unanswered questions, it's making it hard to shorten our lists of suspects. All we know if what everyone knows now, they're somewhere here in Balitmore, god knows where though, Baltimores pretty big. They're most likely a student for a average 9-5 worker, it's likely there's only one, maybe two involved, or so J seems to think, not sure if I agree and...well there is something else but I can't tell you that."
"I wanna help dad."
"I know you do son, but all you can do is keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior. I mean if you wanted to try and come up with your own theories with the information the rest of the public has, I can't stop you. But Kellin, I'm trying to protect you, this Ramiro could be any one, and if all he needs is a name and face...I just don't want you getting into deep."

Getting my foot in the door with this investigation was seeming to be harder then I thought it was going to be. My father wasn't just going to hand over any information they where holding from the public, which is clearly the information I need. If I didn't know everything they knew, it wasn't going to be much help at all, and it wasn't going to help me discover who this J was either so we could put a stop to this.
"Are they even still sure it's an average day worker or a student? I mean, the deaths have been happening at all times of day recently." I should know, me and Jack where sneaking a page into school every day and varying the times we wrote names down. We where also pre writing the deaths, we discovered we could write the names, cause and the time of death. So for example, I could write John Smith, dies after being run over by a car, on May 3rd at 16:00...three days from now, and it would still happen. And we where using that fact to our advantage.
"For now yes, we think whoever is responsible has found away to still kill while they are at school or work. We're not ruling anything out right now though." My dad pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated sigh. "This is the hardest case I've ever worked. But enough about that, where's your mother?"
"Oh, she popped out to go see some movie with one of her work friends, we weren't expecting you home tonight, she should be back soon though."
"Yeah, I wasn't supposed to be home, but J insisted I came and got some rest. How about I take us out for dinner? I miss having quality father, son time with you."
"Sounds good dad." I smiled, in all honest, even though the thought my dad was hot on mine and Jack's tail worried me. And as much as I knew how much my father would hate me if he found out it was me, and it did make me feel awful I was doing this behind his back, he was still my father, and I missed our father/son time too.
"Well, go get yourself ready and I'll take you to that stake house you love so much." He smiled. "But no talk about the investigation please."
"Promise." I grinned and ran upstairs.

"Leaving me here are we?" Vic raised an eye brow at me.
"I'm sorry." I walked over to Vic and pressed my lips on his.
"It's fine, I think I have a plan C."
"Oh?" I looked at him in surprise.
"Yeah, not worked out the kinks though, so I'll fill you in later. I need to go speak to Alex, could, uh, you give Jack a heads up? I really don't fancy walking in on them doing the dirty again like last time." A visible shudder came over Vic, I had to laugh.
"Yeah, I'll text him."
"Thank you, I honestly don't think I'll ever get that image out of my head. I think I'm going to be mentally scarred for the rest of my life...which is going to be a good few thousand years yet."
I was still getting used to the fact that, not only was Vic actually well over a thousand years old, he was still going to be living thousands of years after I was gone. It made me a little sad if I was honest, I know if Vic died before me, it would destroy me. But you see, I could forget him if he died, but Vic, if and when I died...he can't forget, he won't forget. I guess Vic and Alex had the shit end of the deal here, and it made me sad for them. "Hey, don't worry about that, we knew what we where getting into with you two. We'll be okay, don't worry about us."
"Will you stop that?" I chuckled.
"No, I like being in your head, it's peaceful...most of the time. And you think about me in ways I enjoy you thinking about me." He winked, pulling me close to him and locking his lips on mine. He let it linger for a while before poking his tongue at my lips.
"I got to go." I mumbled against his lips.
"In a minute." He smirked and forced his tongue in my mouth, gripping my hips tightly as my hands wrapped in his long brown hair. I couldn't stop the moan coming from my mouth as he gently rolled his hips against mine. All too soon he pulled away. "Now, you can think about that the whole time you're at dinner rather then anything else."
"Thanks, I'm going to be eating dinner, with my dad, while sat there thinking about my Shinigami boyfriend fucking my brains out."
"You're welcome." He grinned, sticking out his tongue between his teeth. His brought his lips to my ear and lowered his voice. "I'll make it all better when you get back."
Shivers ran down my spine and I felt my jeans get ever so slightly tighter. "I'll hold you to that."
"Mmmm good." He pressed his lips against mine one last time. "Now go on, enjoy your dinner."
"I'll try." I chuckled. I quickly changed my top, and changed into my more breathable jeans, skinny jeans weren't ideal when you knew you where going to be sat there for a couple of hours with a boner and ran back downstairs.
"Ready?" My dad got up off the couch.
"I am." I nodded with a smile, we grabbed our jackets and headed out, leaving Vic to finish sorting his plan...what ever it was.

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