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As soon as I feel his lips on mine, my eyes go wide and I freeze.

It feels...

just like back then...

I don't know what takes over me, maybe a part of me still thinks I'm in the past, but I pull him closer by his collar and kiss him back.

It's like I'm split in two, the part of me that's telling me to push him away, and the part of me that's telling me to pull him even closer and enjoy the moment while it lasts.

But it doesn't last long as someone pushes Chan away from me.

My eyes shot open and I look at who did.


Shit, I forgot he was in here.

(𝐴/𝑁: 𝐷𝑖𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑙?)

Seungmin: What the fuck do you think you're doing?

I look at Chan, who's on the ground with his eyes wide open like mine.

Chan: Uh- I just- I came here to talk but-

Seungmin: But what? You saw him and lost your shit? What the fuck are you trying to do?

Chan: You know what I'm trying to do. And I'm pretty sure Jeongin knows it too.

Seungmin: You think messing with his feelings is going to make him come back to you?

My mind blocks out their conversation and thoughts take over.

Is Chan really doing all of this just to get me back?

But why?

I thought he said he never loved me...

Maybe he does now.

Maybe he realized my value after I left.

That's what happens to a lot of people, so it wouldn't be impossible for it to happen to Chan.

Seungmin: You asshole-

I cut Seungmin off and stand in front of Chan, who has gotten up from the ground already.

Jeongin: Look, I don't know if your intentions are good or not-

Seungmin: Obviously they're not, just look at-

Jeongin: Minnie, please, let me handle this. I'm not the weak Jeongin from 3 years ago anymore. I can speak for myself.

I hear Seungmin mutter a small "fine" and I take it as a signal to continue.

Jeongin: I don't know if your intentions are good or not, but if they aren't, just leave now. I don't want to go through what happened back then again and it's not worth the trouble for you either.

Chan: Innie-

Jeongin: Don't call me that yet, I still haven't forgiven you.

I'm shocked by my own words.

Why did I say yet?

Does this mean even I think I'll forgive him at some point? That I'll let him call me Innie one day?

Chan: Fine, Jeongin, I want you to know I've changed. You don't have to trust me, and you probably don't, but I really did. I'm not a fuckboy like before and I want you back for your love.

After he stops, I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

Jeongin: I don't completely trust you, but I can feel some kind of sincerity in your words. Don't make me regret letting you into my life again.

He pauses to take in what I said, then starts smiling widely and jumping up and down like a kid.

Chan: You're letting me into your life?! Does this mean-

Jeongin: Don't get too excited, you're only an acquaintance to me.

Chan: Damn, not even a friend.

Jeongin: You need to prove you're trustworthy for that. But like I said, please don't make me regret this. I'm not ready to go through heartbreak again.

His eyes soften for a second, but he quickly covers it up with a smile and gives me a thumbs up.

Chan: Ok then. As your acquaintance, I'll pick you up for work tomorrow.

Seungmin: That's my job!

Chan: Well, I'll be doing it from now on.

Seungmin: You little-

Jeongin: Seungmin, please don't start a fight about this. Chan is going to drop me, you can pick me up. How does that sound?

They both reply with "okay" and I smile.

Jeongin: You should head back, Chan. Seungmin and I have plans today.

His smile drops, but he quickly replaces it with a fake one and nods.

Chan: Okay then... have fun.

He turns around and leaves the house, and I watch as he drives away in his car.

Seungmin: Innie, what was that about?

Jeongin: What do you mean? Don't you think he should have another chance-

Seungmin: No, I don't. But that's not the problem right now.

Jeongin: Then what is it?

I gulp, looking down at my feet to avoid eye contact.

Seungmin: You think I didn't see you kissing Chan back? I'm not stupid.

𝗪𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 | 𝘫𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now