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After feeding Jeongin and making sure he falls asleep, I walk into an empty room and call Felix.


Chan: Bro, you won't believe what happened after you left.

Felix: You'll only know if you tell me.

Chan: Jeongin said he wanted to try being in a relationship with me and...


Felix: Oh my fucking god, I can't believe it!

Chan: Lower your voice, he's sleeping.

Felix: Just turn your speaker off.

Chan: I don't have the speaker on.

Felix: Then what's the problem?

Chan: Just quiet down, he's probably tired.

Felix: Look at you, being so caring for your lover~

Chan: Shut up and listen. Jeongin likes romantic stuff apparently, so... I wanna surprise him.

Felix: Dang, didn't know you had this angle-

Chan: Fucking stop and give me some advice. What should I do?

Felix: You came to the right person. Whenever Changbin came home really tired, I would set up picnics in a place with really nice scenery and light up some scented candles, sprinkles a few rose petals, you get the idea, right?

Chan: Okay, can we meet up?

Felix: Sure, just come over. Changbin's busy hacking some rich guy's bank account anyway.

Chan: Isn't that illegal?

Felix: You're illegal.

Chan: Ok damn, I was just asking.

After saying bye, I hang up and leave the house, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I get inside my car and drive over to Felix's house, walking inside like I own the place.

Chan: Felix! I'm here!

Felix: Give me a minute!

After a few minutes, he comes back with a huge box, visibly struggling to carry it on his own.

I rush over to help him and we set it down on a table.

I open the box and look at the stuff inside, confused.

Chan: What even is all this stuff?

Felix: Things that you can use for your picnic, duh.

He takes the lid from me and closes the box.

Felix: I know the perfect place you should do this in. Help me put this in your car and I'll drive you there.

Chan: Ok, but where are we gonna go.

Felix: There's this cool beach right at the outskirts of the city that not many people know about. It's super romantic and always empty. It'll be perfect!

I smile and lift up the box, carrying it to the car with ease.

Felix gets into the driver's seat and I get into the passenger's seat.


After a roughly 20 minute drive, Felix tells me to get out of the car.

I step outside and look at the place in awe.

Felix: How is it?

Chan: Beautiful.

𝗪𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 | 𝘫𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now