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After the proposal, Chan and I sneak out to give the lovebirds some space.

Chan: That was amazing, wasn't it? Who would've thought Hyunjin and Seungmin would fall for each other?

Jeongin: Yeah, I really wish there was someone that would do that for me...

Chan: You like that kind of stuff?

Jeongin: I'm a sucker for romance stories, but I guess I like them too much. After all, life isn't a romcom. Love is filled with heartbreaks and lies, it's really hard to find pure love like Hyunjin and Seungmin's these days, you know?

Chan: Mhm...

I look at Chan and notice that he's gotten quiet all of a sudden.

Jeongin: Sorry, I said too much, didn't I?

Chan: No no, you didn't. Everyone has their own opinions, and maybe your's will change after someone shows you what pure love is.

I scoff and roll my eyes.

Jeongin: Like that's gonna happen.

Chan: Who knows, maybe that person is right next to you.

I look at Chan, confused.

Is he trying to hint at something?

He notices my stare and frantically shakes his hands.

Chan: I didn't mean that would be me- I mean, not that my love for isn't pure- I just- can we forget about this? Yeah, that'll be better.

I giggle at his flustered state.

Jeongin: I didn't even say anything, yet you're so worked up. Adorable...

I whisper the last part, but Chan seems to have heard it.

Chan: I'm adorable? Wow, usually people call me hot or-

Jeongin: Don't get too cocky. You're not that cute.

Chan: Duh, no one is cuter than you~

He playfully pinches my cheeks, but I push him off, my face probably looking like a tomato from how hard I'm blushing.

Chan: Aww, is baby Jeonginnie blushing? How cute~

Jeongin: Sh-shut up! I'm leaving-

?: Chan! Is that you?!

I turn around and see a handsome guy with freckles running towards us.

Chan: Felix? What are you doing here?

So his name is Felix, he must be one of Cham's friends.

Jeongin: I'll go, you two can talk-

Felix: No no, please stay. My name is Felix, I'm Chan's best friend.

Jeongin: I'm-

Felix: Jeongin, right? Chan won't stop talking about you. You're much cuter in person!

Chan: Hey dude, what are you trying to do? Get your filthy flirting away from-

Felix: Chill mate, why don't you get us all some ice cream from the stand over there? Jeongin and I will get to know each other.

Chan glares at Felix but starts walking towards the ice cream stand anyway.

Once he's gone, Felix turns to me.

Felix: Look, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. Chan really loves you, he spent over 2 years searching for you just so he can apologize. And if there isn't any chance you're gonna like him back, then there's no point in all this. Do you get where I'm going with this?

I nod, even though I really don't know what he's trying to say.

Felix: All I wanna know is where Chan stands for you. Do you have feelings for him?

I look at him with wide eyes, not expecting a question like this.

Jeongin: I... don't know. Sometimes, he... makes my heart flutter. In fact, he did just now before you came, but...

Felix: But what? This means you like him, right?

Jeongin: Whenever I feel like I'm catching feelings for him again, I remember the past. I know it's not good to dwell, but he put me through so much pain, I can't forget that.

Felix: Jeongin, I understand how you might be feeling right now, but at least give him a chance, He changed, he's not like his past self anymore. He loves you so much. Please consider that, okay?

Before I get a chance to reply, Chan comes back with 3 ice creams.

Chan: I'm back, what did you talk about?

I start eating my ice cream, expecting Felix to come up with some kind of lie like people usually do in situations like this.

But no.

𝗪𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 | 𝘫𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now