Sequoia & Banshee Fight (Paralyzed)

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 Sequoia sprang at Banshee, slamming into his side and knocking him off his feet. Banshee was pinned under him. Sequoia's icey eyes glared into his.

"Coward!" Sequoia snarled. "Keep away and I'll kill him myself if I have to."

Never! Banshee thrust his feet hard into Sequoia's belly, throwing him off. While Sequoia lay winded, Banshee hurled himself at the tree where Tommy lay, unconscious, holding Tommy in his arms. Walking a few steps, Tommy's eyes cracked open, staring blankly at Banshee before falling out of consciousness again.

A fierce snarl behind Banshee made him spin around to see Sequoia sprinting at him. Banshee flew to the side, dropping Tommy into another tree nearby. He felt the sting of Sequoia's claws raking through his skin as he leaped past Banshee.

Spinning around, Banshee faced Sequoia again, and saw that same cold flame in the beaver latcher's eyes.

"Traitor!" Sequoia spat. "You're a traitor to everything latcher-kind stands for! You were never strong enough to be like us."

"Us?" Banshee questioned. "You mean you. I don't want to be like you," he retorted.

"Then you're a fool," Sequoia sneered. "You should be able to kill anything, without a second thought."

"Even a mentally unstable vessel which I care about very much?" Banshee countered.

"Especially that. But you're just weak. Always were. Too scared to do any-"

Paralysis jumped between them from seemingly nowhere with a threatening snarl, cutting Sequoia off.

"If you have so many problems with the way things work around here, then you can go back and stay in Purga before I tear your skin apart and leave you for dead," Paralysis snarled, taking a step towards Sequoia.

"I'll be back for round four," Sequoia snarled to Banshee, running off into the forest, Paralysis not moving until sure he was gone.

"How's Tommy doing?" Paralysis asked Banshee, turning to him.

"Terrible," Banshee replied, going and picking up Tommy's small, fragile body in his arms. "He's been missing for days, he's small in every way, underfed, dehydrated, probably more deranged than before. He's bruised, scared..."

339 words

I took the Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost scene out of Sunset and made this lol. Pretty proud of it, ngl

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