Crying Black (Paralyzed)

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Dream woke with a shiver up his spine, chills down to his fingers despite the warm air around him. Sitting up, he noticed the lack of a cold body next to him, the other half of the bed empty. Rather, the latcher familiar to Dream stood beside the bed, unmoving.

Paralysis hummed a familiar tune, yet it was cracked and eerie to Dream's ears. From Paralysis' smiling mouth ran a dark, oily substance. His eyes were black and empty, crying of the same black liquid.

"Paralysis. . .?" Dream whispered in worry, confusion and fear laced within his voice.

Paralysis continued to stay where he was, his dark eyes staring blankly, unresponding.

Dream slipped out from under his blankets, stepping softly past Paralysis. As he slipped by, Paralysis' neck cracked as his head turned to watch silently as Dream walked away, the rest of his body turning in delay.

Dream took in a shaky breath, not believing this was the true Paralysis, leaving the house quickly in fear.

When he had fallen asleep the previous day, it was warm. But, stepping outside, it was cold, a chilly wind blowing.

The world seemed to be gray-scale, tinted only slightly by the shine of the moon. The grass, normally a light, vibrant green, was instead a shaded gray.

A shadow fell over Dream, the cause being Bad standing beside him.

"Bad, I need your. . . help," Dream started, pausing upon seeing Bad's normally glowing white eyes the opposite, a similar oily substance dripping down his face like tears.

Dream turned, SapNap across from him, looking the same as Bad. George was next to him, looking like SapNap.

Skeppy as well. A6d. Wilbur. Tommy. Tubbo. Fundy. All the non-latchers of the Chaos Crew. Pure black eyes, dripping with dark tears. All varying shades of gray.

"Where am I. . ." Dream said softly to nobody. "What happened?"

"Who knows," a broken voice replied. "But yourself?"


Dream shot awake, almost immediately breaking to tears, alarming Paralysis who had woken due to Dream's shifting in his sleep.

Not bothering to ask what was wrong, Paralysis bundled Dream into his arms, Dream burying his face into Pary's chest.

Dream pushed back and stared into Paralysis' eyes, searching them for comfort, hoping to not see any of the black liquid seeping out.

"You're. . . nevermind," Dream whispered raspily, curling up tightly.

"I'm right here," Paralysis told him lightly, stroking Dream's hair.

393 words

I need ideas, frick

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