Technoblade: The Voices Can Be Kind

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Techno lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep due to the voices yelling and hissing in his mind. No matter how much he tried to ignore them or tell them to go away, they stayed as loud as ever.

Knowing he wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon, he got out of bed and stepped down the ladder to the lower floor. Tommy's room.

Techno viewed Tommy's resting form, glad to see him sleeping calmly for the first time since coming. The past few nights he was always up, wondering about if he should go see Dream, or if Dream would be okay with him running away, to which Techno had to always remind Tommy that Dream wasn't his friend.

As Techno approached Tommy's bed, the voices quieted, their words calm and kind. They weren't yelling like they normally would. Normally they would be telling him "blood for the blood gods" or "violence", yet when he was around Tommy, they were soft and sweet.

Tommy woke slightly, cracking his eyes open to view Techno standing in front of him, to which he sat up abruptly.

"Techno?" Tommy asked, confused.

Techno didn't answer, instead sitting on the bed and hugging Tommy softly.

"Techno... Blade?" Tommy questioned.

"The voices..." Techno whispered. "They could never make me hurt you."

"What are you talking about?" Tommy asked.

"They can be kind," Techno murmured. "The voices can be kind."

Tommy didn't question, leaning his head on Techno's shoulder, falling asleep at some point.

259 words                 

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