UNO (Paralyzed)

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 Dream came home from another short scavenge with Paralysis, searching for supplies. They found some food for the others, clothes if anyone fit or wanted them, and a card game Pary had found titled 'UNO'.

While Paralysis took the food and clothes to their small storehouse, Dream went and found SapNap, who seemed to know a lot of random things about games before all this happened.

"Hey SapNap," Dream said, finding him outside.

"Sup!" SapNap replied.

"Do you know what 'UNO' is?" Dream asked, handing SapNap the cards.

"Of course I do!" SapNap exclaimed. "I loved this game!"

"I knew you would," Dream chuckled. "How do you play it?"

"Bro there are so many things in UNO," SapNap told him excitedly, shuffling the deck at a table nearby. "Stacking, 7's, 0's, jump-in, +2, +4, UNO reverse, skipping. Maybe make your own depending on the deck.

"You don't have to do them all, just things people have made over the while," SapNap stated. "It sounds super complicated, but is super fun when you play. The more people the merrier."

They gathered George, Hive, Pary, Spifey, Techno, Ceru, and Fundy, SapNap explaining the rules, and playing a practice round so everyone understood.

Then the real game began.

It started out easy, just some numbers so everyone knew the order, until the special cards came into play. Spifey skipped SapNap, Techno played a +2, and Ceru stacked it, Fundy drawing 4 cards.

George made Hivey draw 2, Dream reversing it away, to which things went calm again. Just some numbers and a reverse. That was until Pary played a +2, Spifey stacking it, then Techno, then SapNap, then Ceru, then Fundy, to which George played a +4, resulting in Hivey drawing 16 cards, everyone laughing as his hand tripled in size.

Through stacking and multiple jump-ins, Pary surprised them when he said 'UNO', proudly holding up his one card.

"Sorry sweetheart," Dream said to him, placing his remaining two cards down of two blue skips, saying a calm 'I win' before the table erupted into shambles, everyone throwing down their cards.

348 words

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