Harp and Gay Panic (Paralyzed)

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 "Hey Archie?" Bad said to Archangel, who was plucking a few strings of his harp in the open space around some of their houses.

"Yes Bad?" Archangel responded, putting the harp back flat on the ground.

"Could you teach me to play the harp?" Bad questioned. "We're both bored and I'm interested."

"O... kay?" Archangel agreed, standing from his bench. "Sit down I guess."

Bad sat on the bench the way he'd seen Archie do it multiple times.

"How do I play it?" Bad asked eagerly.

"You have to learn the notes first," Archie laughed.

"The red strings are all C," he explained, plucking the 5 red strings on the instrument. "The black ones are F," doing the same to the five black strings.

"The levers up top here make the note half a step higher when flipped," he stated, flicking the levers up and down on the top of the harp. "F sharps, C sharps, A or B flats depending on the tuning, things like that. We don't need to worry about those right now though, so we'll stay in C major."

"So when do I get to play?" Bad asked excitedly.

"I guess now," Archie stated, lifting Bad's hand to the strings. He adjusted Bad's thumb onto one of the C's by his head, the other three fingers going on the three strings below. "Now pluck 'em."

The four notes played as Bad's fingers came off the strings, not played the greatest, but sounding nice nevertheless. He did it again, a few notes down.

Archangel pulled Bad's left hand up, setting it in a similar position on his side of the strings, Bad plucking the left hand too.

"Now you can do the two together," Archangel said, putting Bad's hands from C to C, Bad plucking slowly.

"It's very pretty," Bad smiled, standing. "Could you play something?"

"Um, I guess so," Archangel said softly, taking his spot on the bench.

He places his fingers gently on the strings, plucking them one by one, two by two, three by three, music spreading throughout the camp.

Nearby inside, Paralysis woke slightly and listened to the music outside, swinging his tails slowly to the calm rhythm.

Recognizing the song slightly, as Archangel played it often, he hummed softly in Dream's ear with the melody, waking Dream, yet Dream sat there is Paralysis' arms, listening to him humming with the faint music outside.

"You sound beautiful," Dream mumbled, Paralysis' humming catching in his throat, Pary freezing. "You're fine, keep doing it."

Pary, though self-conscious, continued his humming, a small smile creeping onto Dream's face as they lay together through the morning.

437 words

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