Tears of Blood (Dream SMP)

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cw// blood; death

"PUT ME IN THE PRISON, SAM!" Ranboo yelled at the Warden, tears already streaming down his face, each one more painful than the last as they followed the same trail of wounds on his face.

"You've done nothing wrong, Ranboo!" Sam yelled back. "I'm not imprisoning you for nothing!"

"Sam. . ." Ranboo's voice changed to a cracked, solemn whisper. "I've done so many things worthy of being imprisoned. . ."

"Like what!" Sam exclaimed. "Give me one reason to put you in jail!"

"I BLEW UP THE COMMUNITY HOUSE!" Ranboo shouted out, loud and clear for anyone who was nearby to hear. "I'VE HELPED DREAM SO MANY TIMES, I-" his voice died as the shock registered on Sam's face. "I'm sorry."

"Ranboo. . .

"I'm sorry, Sam," Ranboo stated softly, the tears becoming tears of blood as each one wore away a little more flesh on its path down his face, his cheeks cried raw.


The memory resinated in Ranboo's mind as he sat, curled in the corner of his small cell. His clothes were stained of blood and tears, it having felt like he'd been steadily crying for the past two days.

He'd become numb to the pain on his face and cheeks. As the tears wore away the skin on his cheeks, they would fall to his mouth, ruining his lips and making it a pain to open his jaw.

It hurt to talk whenever Sam tried to start a conversation. It hurt to eat when Sam came with food. It hurt to drink. It hurt to breath once the consistent tears seeped through the cloth on his chest.

He tried telling himself to stop; stop crying, stop hurting, stop paining for people who didn't care. Those mental reminders never helped anything though. Instead, they made it worse. Made the small tears fall faster. The deep wounds deeper. The great pain greater.

I'm never getting out of here alive, he thought to himself. I haven't moved in what feels like days, I haven't eaten since I got here, I haven't slept.

Sam knocked on the prison door, looking through the small window to tell Ranboo of arrived food. He dropped it through the small hole to the ground and waited for the other to come pick it up.

But the other never came.

"Ranboo?" Sam called inside, looking around the cell from outside. He then saw the huddled figure in the corner, cuts down his cheeks, a small pool of blood around where he sat.

"Ranboo!" Sam exclaimed, unlocking the cell immediately and rushing into where the ender-hybrid sat. "Ranboo, you gotta stay with me," Sam told him as Ranboo's eyes would unfocus continually.

Sam saw the blood dripping from the others' lips and cheeks, tracing it back to his eyes.

"You've been crying this entire time. . . haven't you. . . ." Sam said softly.

Ranboo nodded slowly, looking up to meet Sam's eyes as a tear fell from both of their eyes before Ranboo took in a shaky breath and let out an enderman's sound of pain.

"Ranboo, I'm going to get you out of here," Sam told him, preparing to pick Ranboo up.

Ranboo shook his head slightly. "It's too late," he said quietly, wincing in pain from his mouth.

"It's not too late, I can still get you medical attention," Sam tried telling the latter, picking him up and running out of the cell and prison as fast as he could.

"Sam. . ." Ranboo tried speaking. "I-"

"Don't say anything, it just hurts you more," Sam quieted him.

Ranboo ignored him, prying his mouth open despite the pain. "I'm sorry Sam. . ."

"No No No NO!" Sam yelled as Ranboo fell limp in his arms, his pace faltering. "Ranboo!"

He set the body down, kneeling beside it. "He can't be dead. . . he can't be. . ."

This is all my fault. . . Sam told himself

But he asked you to put him in there.

But I could've payed more attention and helped him more.

"Why couldn't I have gotten there faster?" Sam questioned himself.

He would've died no matter what.

At least he didn't die alone in the cold empty cell, Sam thought, picking up the corpse and walking back to the center of the SMP.

723 words

Did I forget that burns don't make you bleed? Possibly. Did I ignore the 3 lives system? Possibly. Who cares.


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