I Miss Him (Paralyzed)

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Tubbo walked through the forest almost alone if Hivemind weren't a bit behind. He was searching for Tommy again, something he'd do all day from dawn to dusk, accompanied by Hivemind, getting just enough sleep to operate.

The voices kissed in his mind again, as they did constantly whenever he went on these searches. Blaming him. Breaking him. Taunting him. Hurting him. Convincing him Tommy was dead. Making him lose hope.

"╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ᔑꖎꖎ ||𝙹⚍∷ ⎓ᔑ⚍ꖎℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⚍ʖʖ𝙹," they hissed.

"Stop!" he would yell out, Hivemind rushing to his side.

"Tubbo?" Hive questioned, concerned, looking around for any danger.

"It's the voices," Tubbo whimpered. "They keep coming back.

"They say it's my fault Tommy's gone. They say to give up hope. They say he's dead. They say that because of me, he's out there, a hungered dead corpse."

"All these voices want to do is hurt you, Tubbo," Hive said to him. "All they want to do is break you. Make you feel lost and alone.

"I'm right here though," Hivemind spoke softly. "Don't listen to them."

A masked figure watched from the trees, hidden from sight. He refrained from jumping down to his friend, not sure how Tubbo would feel to him still being alive.

Instead, he watched for a few more moments before turning and jumping back through the trees silently.

He ran back to his home, not daring to look back for fear of breaking and running back to Tubbo.

237 words

This was made a bit ago, before Tommy went back to the Crew

Random Things I Write (mostly mcyt)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن