Awkward meet

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I got ready for office quite early. Today, I was feeling happy unknowingly. Like today was going to be good. I walked down to see mom cooking breakfast and dad reading newspaper. I saw Yeonjun on his phone. I greeted them, "Good morning guyss" They all looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning Y/n/Honey" They greeted back. I saw down besides Yeonjun. "You coming?" Yeonjun asked me. "Where?" I asked. "Meet Jaehyun" He said with a duh tone. I rolled my eyes. "I have work to go to, not like you" I said in a teasing tone. He glared at me. Mom served us breakfast. 

We ate in peace and then I got up. I took my bag and started walking to the exit. I turned back and yelled, "Call Jae in my lunch time, near the office" and closed the door. I took a bus and sat down at the window seat. I plugged earphones and was looking of the window until... I saw someone unexpected entering in. 

My hands started getting sweating and my heart beat started raising up. I was nervous and was trying not make any eyes contact but then I saw something. There was no empty place rather than besides me. I bite my bottom lips as he sat besides me. I looked at him and he was staring at me too. 

I quickly broke the eye contact but something in his eyes made me look at him again... A small frown was displayed on my face. His eyes showed... pain and loneliness. "A-Are you okay k-kookie?" I mumbled. Then I realized what I said but covered it up. 

"I-I mean how come you happen to take the bus and t-that too the wrong one?" I stuttered. "Umm I have a m-meeting at your office a-and my car broke down." He answered. I made a 'O' shape and nodded. The whole ride we didn't talked cause it was awkward for us, at east for me. 

I was looking at him from the corner of my eye to see him staring at me. I turned to him making him quickly look away. I managed to hide the smile which was trying to show. "I have to get off here" I informed him. He looked at me and moved aside. "And you too I guess?" I said in duh tone. 

"O-Ohh right... " He got up nervously making me smile. I followed him out. I started to take the lead because he didn't how to get there from the bus stop. I was kinda getting awkward cause whenever we were together walking, we walk besides each other even if we had a big fight but being like this one behind and other in front was getting me weird vides. 

I was about to sigh when it turned into a gasp due to Jungkook holding my hand. I swallowed and turned to him. He had a stern look. "I think we should walk besides each other like before cause walking like this is making me feel awkward" He stated. I don't know what got into me but what I replied got both of shocked. 

"We don't have to cause nothing is like 'before' for you information... and will never be" I defended. Even tho I wanted us like before but something was holding me back... maybe my ego? I don't know. I just turned around. "If you want to come then you better follow cause walking besides each other will make me awkward." I said before I started walking. 

I entered in and saw some of the girls fangirling over Jungkook which he never like. I turned to him to see him getting uncomfortable. I don't know what got into me that I just walked back to him. I linked my arm with his making him shocked as well as kind of relieved. I look to the people around to see them also quite shocked. 

"Let's go babe" I said a bit loud for them to hear which they heard and turned the other way. All workers respect me cause they think I'm kind and too polite which I am but what they don't know is I can turn to into hulk in seconds. I started walking towards the elevator. We entered in and I let go off him. 

"Thank you for uhh saving me I guess" He said. "Where you heading to?" I asked him. "To Namjoon hyung, I mean the CEO" He said. I nodded know they are cousins. "To Joonie then" I repeated. "You know him?" I heard Jungkook. "We're friends from a long time... maybe since our marria-" I stopped. 

'You idiot! You just made things more awkward ughhhh' I scolded myself. There was a ding and the door opened. "I'll lead you" I said and started walking. He, once again, started following me. I knocked on the Namjoon's door. I opened it and entered in. "Good morning Y/nieee" Joon greeted me. 

I smiled at him. "Joonie you have a 'important' visiter" I said with a 'you-gotta-be-serious' face. "Uhh let them in." He said knowing who I'm referring to. I moved aside and signaled Jungkook to enter. I then went to my section cause I don't want to interrupt their meeting. "Who was that cutie?" I heard my other friend. I turned to her. 

I felt my blood boiling. "My boyfriend" I replied making her look shock and embarrassed. "Uhh okay. Sorry" she said and went back to her work. I don't know what is happening to me.. One second I'm angry at him telling him things were totally out of being fixed and here I am, saving him from flirty looks and my co-worker.... Why tho?... 

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