Part 23

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~Poppy's POV~

So I'm dead. It's not that surprising now, at first it was a little odd. As soon as I died I was met with Purple and Ash. Purple mostly explained it all to me, sadly she's been here the longest. Arson. Arson did this, at first I was mad. I wanted him to experience the same demise I did, the pain of your body slowly being ripped apart, but then, I saw him. He didn't see me, but he was in his room. For the first time he looked... scared. His eyes were wide and he just stared at the wall. Not to mention that note he got, which was very creepy. I don't forgive him completely, but seeing his perspective, I mean from the looks of it. He is truly being forced to kill.

Ash: Poppy, why did you do that.

Poppy: Hm? Do what?

Ash: You... you wanted to be voted off, because I died, and now you're dead.

Poppy: In my eyes, without you there's no reason to be there. I mean you're the only one I truly became friends with, I mean sure the others ate breakfast with me, but only you actually dealt with me.

Ash: You don't...hate me?

Poppy: Ash... in what world would I ever hate you? You really make no sense sometimes.

I went up and grabbed her hand smiling, then we went on a walk around the ship. It's weird people just not seeing you. It's like you have all the privacy in the world but you're right next to someone, I kinda feel bad because Purple has taken advantage and mostly spends her days watching people, which is kind of creepy. We still don't know the other imposter though, since only Arson has done anything.

Purple: Ok ok let's place bets, who do you think the other imposter is?

Ash: ...

Poppy: Uhh... purple, I know you've kind of gotten used to the whole death and killing thing, but this isn't a game, we're... we're dead purple.

Purple: OK but still! It's fun.

Ash: ....I'm leaving.

Poppy: Yeah uhh I'll join you.

Purple sighed disappointedly in our lack enthusiasm, and floated away watching Arson creepily, me and Ash looked at each other feeling discomfort for them.

~Rosie's POV~

I've been worried about Arson lately, I mean no one else notices it but he's been different. He seems more tired, and just I don't know maybe, I don't want to say sad, but that's the only way I can put it. Maybe not sad, but just lost. Like he doesn't know where he is or who he is. Maybe it's just because we have different perspectives, different ways we see things, but still, I can't help but be worried. I want to talk to him about it, but talking to him seems so hard. I walked around doing my tasks thinking about what I should do. I'm going to do it, I'm going to talk to him......ok maybe later. Ok wait no, but what if he hates me when I try to talk to him, but I'm trying to help. Ok I'm going to do it, for me and Arson. I walked up to his room and knocked on his door.

Rosie: Hey arson, I- I want to talk.

They opened the door, and looked down at me. I walked in and sat down on his couch.

Rosie: I've- ... I've been worried about you. You seem, tired and lost... I just wanted to make sure you were ok.

Arson: ...I'm fine.

Rosie: Are you? Are you really? You can be honest with me, I'm here to support you.

He looked at me, with a slight trace of... annoyance, there, I did it. I made him mad at me.

Rosie: I-im sorry, I didn't want to bother, I'll leave.

Arson: It's fine, I'm just not a very happy looking person.

Rosie: I know but, recently you've seemed... different.

Arson: Rosie... I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

Rosie: I can't do that, I'll always worry about you, but for now, goodnight.

Arson: Goodnight Rosie.

I walked towards the door then paused, I looked back at him. Then ran to give him a hug. He looked down surprised and slowly hugged me back. We released and I jumped up to kiss him on the cheek. I left him in a state of a shock. 

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