Part 3

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~Cyan's POV~

As soon as the loudspeaker announcement was over, I was out of there. I didn't know these people, and I am the worst at human communication. Animals? Sure. Inanimate objects? Yeah. But people? No. Way.

I only had a few friends back home, but even they got bored with me most of the time. I wasn't mean or anything...I just don't talk that much. The people here did seem awfully nice though..well, except Blanc and Black-I mean Arson. Both of them just gave off a negative vibe and I wasn't loving it. That's why I didn't talk the entire time. Blue-I mean Oliver- did seem pretty nice to me, he was encouraging me to talk.

I kept replaying his startling baby blue eyes in my mind. His very curly brown hair, and his tanned white skin, as if he spent a lot of time on the beach. His spacesuit fit him perfectly, showing off his bulging muscles and fit body...meanwhile, I felt like I looked like trash. I usually have time in the morning to do my makeup and all that jazz, but I didn't this time, given the fact that I had a panic attack when I saw that I wasn't in my room anymore.

Why was I here though...what happened? What would happen?

~Blanc's POV~

Everyone always asks me why I think Americans do I say...rude? Annoying? If they met Purple, they would know why. I started walking away from the cafeteria and back to my room when she jumped up and started following me.

Blanc: Why are you following me.

Purple: You fascinate me!

Blanc: Why?
Purple: I've never met a Russian before! And I've never been on a spaceship before! Please, tell me about yourself.

She took out a small notebook and a pencil and pressed it down on the paper, staring at me expectantly.

Blanc: What is that.

Purple: Why it's a notebook of course. I found it in my room, and I decided to bring it in case anything juicy happens!

Blanc: Juicy? But there was no juice.

She sighed.

Purple: It's another word for drama or something good to write about. You see, back in my hometown I was a journalist and-

I saw my chance.

Blanc: Where is your hometown?

Purple: I live in Hawaii! Born there! And so were my parents!

I looked at her light coffee colored skin, her magenta eyes, and her straight brown hair and decided that she was telling the truth.

Purple: So, tell me! What's it like in Russia?

Blanc: It would be cold for you.

Purple: Oh! Do you guys wear coats all the time? Does it snow there?!

Blanc: Yes.

Purple gasped.

Purple: What is snow like?!

Blanc: Snow is white and gray, part and whole, indefinitely various, yet infinitely repetitious, soft hard, frozen and melting, a creaking under one's foot, and a sound of soundlessness. But first of all, it is the revision of many into one.

Purple blinked.

Purple: So is it true it's white?

I let out a frustrated sigh and started walking quicker towards my room.

Purple: Wait up, Blanc! Your legs are longer than mine! I'm not that-

Thank god, I reached my room.

Blanc: Purple, I'm tired.

Then I stepped in and slammed the door.

~Ash's POV~

I didn't leave my seat. I stayed seated, and I watched everyone leave one by one. Soon, only Oliver (Blue), Poppy (Orange), and Kim (Dark Green). I didn't say anything and I didn't plan on saying anything until Poppy turned to me and smiled.

Poppy: I love your haircut, Ash.

I ran my hands thru my pixie cut.

Ash: Thanks.

Poppy: So, where are you from?

Ash: Utah.

Poppy: Oh, that's cool! I'm from California.

I nodded, then looked back down at the table.

Poppy: I also like your earring.

I reached up to touch my ear to feel the golden chain earring.

Ash: Thanks, I guess.

Poppy stayed silent for a while until Oliver spoke up.

Oliver: Why do you think we're here?

Ash: You think I know?

Oliver: I never said that, Ash. I'm just asking.

I stared at the table.

Ash: Yeah...whatever.

I kind of wished Arson was here. He seemed friendly enough, or at least he seemed like it. Maybe I could befriend would be nice to have a friend for once in my life.

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