Part 11

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~Rosie's POV~

Why...why are we doing this? Killing our friends? Surely no one will actually kill someone, right? Who- who would make us do this. Whoever trapped us here is sick, why would anyone force people to die? No, we're not doing this. I won't listen. No. Should I do my tasks? I probably should, I walked over to Arson's room and knocked. He opened the door

Rosie: Hey, Arson? Do you want to do tasks together?

Arson: Sure.

The rest of the day we walked around doing tasks. When the nighttime announcement came on we both went back to our rooms. I layed in my bed staring at the ceiling. I tried thinking of things that were not the situation we were put in. I rolled over on my side and took a good look at my room, I hadn't really been in here too much. There was a pink fluffy chair in the corner with a bunny pillow on it. I got up, grabbed the bunny, and cuddled it as I slowly fell asleep.

~Purple's POV~

Morning came and I sat up and stretched. I slowly got dressed, still yawning, I checked the time "6:00" I usually don't get up this early. When I finished dressing I went to go quickly pick something up to eat in the cafeteria. When I got there I saw Blanc, Kim, Poppy, Ash sitting at a table together. I got a waffle to go and checked the route I made last night to do my tasks. I walked to my first place electrical and checked what I had in there. Wires, divert power, and download. Ok not too hard. I went to the divert power and pushed up the lever, my device buzzed and I looked down to see "accept power 1/2" it seems the task had two parts and I now had to go and accept the power in another location. I questioned the route I made since now new tasks were being created. Arson walked in interrupting my thoughts.

Purple: Oh hey, so you have tasks in here too, huh.

Arson: Yeah.

I started connecting the wires to their correct place then walked over to download data. While waiting I looked over at Arson, he was over on the far side touching a touchpad. My data finally reached 100% and I walked over to the door to leave. The door slide closed, I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

Purple: Hey... Arson the door shut. I can't get out.

He walked up behind me.

Arson: Purple... I-

He didn't usually talk, all of this was too weird.

Purple: Arson?

Arson: ...I'm sorry...I have to do this.

I froze, I felt a cylinder touch the back of my head...a gun.

Purple: P-please I- I won't tell anyone I promise, but please...

Arson: I don't want to do this...

I felt tears swell up in my eyes.

Purple: P-please...I have a family, Arson...p-please...

My voice was shaky, and I was now shaking. He adjusted his hand on the gun.

Arson: Please, forgive me.

The gunshot rang in my ears as I collapsed. The lights blurred, and darkness closed in. 

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