Part 2

20 3 7

~Orange's POV~

I saw the little pink girl walk up to the odd one in the back and my first immediate thought was: Ship.

What? I'm just like that! I always think about who would make a cute couple-besides, I was basically like the queen of putting kids in my school together...I remember that time-wait, no I don't-what was my best friend's name? What were my parents' names? I can't remember...

Blanc: Alright, I think it is about time that we talk about this.

Blue: I agree.

Orange: Does anyone know where we are? I can't remember anything at all...

The bouncy Pink girl started walking towards us, then wedged her way in between Blue and Cyan.

Pink: I can't remember anything either.

Blanc: So that leads us to the real question, why are we here?

Red: You think I would know!?

Blanc: No, I didn't expect you to know anything, all of you filthy American Scum.

Blanc shifted his gaze at Black

Blanc: Rather, I'm quite interested in what information you may hold.

It seems Blanc noticed Blacks offsetting and dark demeanor as well. Black felt all the eyes turn to him as they realized they existed.

Blanc: Well, Black? Have anything to add?

Pink: Blanc, I-

Blanc: Interrupting is very rude Pink, let Black tell their case.

After a long pause, the awaited answer arrived.

Black: I don't know anything.

It seemed like this was a lost cause.

Pink: What about our names?

We all turned to pink, and black felt more comfortable now that no one was watching him

Red: Names?

Pink: Yeah, it feels weird just being called 'pink'.

Orange: I mean if you want to, you can call me Poppy! Nice to meet you all!

Pink smiled, happy to feel closer to potential friends

Pink: I'm Rosie, oh, and by the way I use she/they!

Red: I guess I'll introduce myself as well, I'm Ash.

Blue: Uhhh-you can call me...Oliver.

Dark green noticed he was next in line.

Dark green: Oh! Uh-sorry, I'm uh-Kim.

Cyan looked up and noticed looks of encouragement to state her name.

Cyan: Just call me Cyan.

The next few people, Blanc and Purple continued what Cyan started and wished to be called their color. And that just left.... The whole room shifted to black again.

Rosie: Oh! I talked to him earlier! Can I tell them your name?

Black slowly looked up and nodded slowly, almost as if he was scared for us to know.

Rosie: This is Arson, and he uses he/they!

Arson? What a weird name, it seemed everyone else had the same idea. I now understand why he was so hesitant for us to know. The tension seems big enough to cut.

Blanc: Well... how charming.

Arson's face quickly became defensive, and Blanc who had seemed very confident earlier quickly became quiet, not wanting to get on his bad side, it seemed even though Blanc led the conversations even he was intimidated by Arson. Maybe it was the mystery of him, maybe it was his demeanor, but something about him just felt off. I soon felt very bad for thinking this way, maybe he's just a shy guy, he didn't ask to be judged. But Rosie was obviously not liking this reaction to Arson's name. I don't understand why but it seems she grew quickly attached to him.... ship? Okay, okay, I need to stop.

Rosie: We all need to get along okay, can we all promise to get along.

No one could say no to Rosie's wishes, so we all nodded a quick yes, even Arson. Blanc, who'd still been taken off guard by Arsons offsetting demeanor was deep in thought. Suddenly a voice came over the loudspeakers mounted on the wall.

"Why hello there crewmates, welcome aboard. I know you're all wondering why you're here and how you got here. But that doesn't really matter to you, for now. All you need to know is where to go. Out in the hallway, you'll see a map that will tell you where you need to go. Next to the map also lies a clock that can tell you the time, we want you to have reasonable sleep schedules. So have fun, you can basically do whatever you want around the ship."

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