Part 12

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~Arson's POV~

Purple's body collapsed, my breath grew heavy. She's dead. I took a breath and dragged her body to the back of the electrical, I entered the vent and crawled to my room. The night before the other imposter visited me. They couldn't do it. They couldn't kill. It was all on me.

I changed from my bloody clothes to a clean suit. I looked in the mirror. Who was I? I sighed and gathered myself together. I walked out into the hall. People were still eating breakfast so I grabbed a plate and sat down at a table in the back. Still slightly shaking for the event that just occurred I ate in silence. Rosie walked in and when she saw me she ran over.

Rosie: GoOoOd morning, how'd you sleep?

Arson: I slept ok.

I quickly calmed myself and steadied my voice, I don't know why I can but I can easily mask emotions. It's like I'm still learning who I am. I don't remember my past, who I am, or who I was. Why can't I remember? Why can I become a different person at will?

Rosie: There's yogurt today! I love yogurt!

She ate a spoonful of yogurt and beamed.

Rosie: Wanna do some tasks after we finish eating?

She said this with her mouth full of yogurt. She got some on her chin and looked like a happy idiot. I got a napkin and wiped off the yogurt.

Arson: Sure.

If only I had tasks to complete, I have to make sure she doesn't go to electrical. She would be devastated to be met with death. I gulped back regret, this is what I have to do, it's not my fault. I was not going to feel remorse, I have to do this, so I might as well do it well.

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