Part 26

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~Arson's POV~

I followed Bullzeye into a room, it was a small room. It had a small, old looking bed and a table next to it, and that was it.

Bullzeye: This is your room... welcome back, we all missed you. I know you don't remember us, but were all like family to each other.

Arson: ...

Bullzeye: Well... goodbye for now I guess.

She left me in 'my' room alone. I sat down on the creaky bed, still trying to process it all. No wonder I was good at killing... I'm an assassin. So what everyone thought of me was right, I'm just a cold blooded killer. I got up and left, walking back to the room everyone else was. When I got there, I heard a few voices arguing behind the door, and tried to hear what they were talking about through the walls.

Oliver: What do we do? Why would they lock it?!

I guess they're locked in. They probably don't trust them, though why would they trust me? If I let them out though, I'll have to deal with the stares, and the questions that they're trying to hold back. I stood conflicted for a while until I heard-

Kim: Uh guys...there's someone standing at the door, look at the shadow.

I assume they all looked over at the door, and my anxiety decided to punch me in the stomach.

Oliver: Hey! You! Whoever you are. Let us out!!

Oh god why. I'm starting to really hate this guy. Can he just shut up for one minute. Someone walked over to the door.

Rosie: Please? We just want to figure out what's happening.

Their voice was soft and sounded scared, my heart broke, but I could bring myself to unlock the door. I curled into a ball, hoping no one could see me. I put my hands on my head and tried to steady my breaths.

Arson: I'm sorry.

I said it so quietly. I'm positive only Rosie heard it. There was silence then Oliver spoke... again.

Oliver: What did they say? I only heard a mumble, whoever you are you need to speak up!

I can't, I can't open it. I don't want to be hated, I don't want to be stared at. I just want to be left alone, I didn't ask for this. If I just become numb, if I don't care, it'll feel better. Taking deep breaths I relaxed my face into numbness, I stood up and dropped my shoulders from their tense position. I unlocked the door and began walking away towards my room, hoping I could hide from their stares. I heard the door open, and I froze, ready for glares, and hatred.

Purple: Arson?

I looked back, and Rosie walked up to me. Everyone stood awkwardly staring at me, or looking at the ground. Blanc walked out unfazed, and started looking around, Kim followed. Looking towards the ground I speed-walked away, with Rosie almost running to catch up with me.

~Cyan's POV~

Where am I? I don't like this... I started to cry. Again. I thought about the space ship. I thought about Kim's terrified face right as I threw my knife at him. They hated me... and I couldn't blame them.

I deserved to be hated. I was a killer. I never wanted to do this..I didn't want to...

I started to cry even harder, when I heard someone say my name softly.

???: Cyan?

I looked up to see Poppy standing in front of me, looking down with concerned eyes. I tried to hide my tears, but it was pointless. She's already seen me cry.

Cyan: I-I'm s-so sorry, P-poppy..

She sat down next to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

Poppy: Hey, it's okay. We all forgive you. We understand that you were under a lot of pressure. You and Arson were very brave.

I looked at her.

Cyan: B-but I killed K-kim...

Poppy: Not really! He's still here, isn't he?

I shrugged.

Poppy: He's still here, and he isn't pleased about being 'killed', none of us are, but we understand your situation.

Cyan: O-Oliver d-doesn't...

Poppy groaned.

Poppy: I honestly don't care what Oliver thinks, Cyan. He holds a grudge really easily. You just need to ignore him.

Cyan: B-but he's always b-been k-kind to m-me...

Poppy: Honey, forget about him, alright?

I looked up at her hazelnut colored eyes. She looked so genuinely concerned and worried about me that I nodded.

She smiled and hugged me.

Poppy: There we go. Now, repeat after me.

I nodded.

Poppy: I, Cyan,

Cyan: ..I, Cyan,

Poppy: Am a-

Cyan: Am a-

Poppy: Strong and independent woman and I don't need Oliver.

I paused.

Cyan: Strong and independent woman and... I don't need Oliver.

She reached over and hugged me again.

Poppy: Good. Now, I'm going to go look for Ash, I'll see you later. And no more crying, alright?

Cyan: Alright.

Poppy: Good.

She smiled at me, then stood up and walked out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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