Part 15

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~Ash's POV~

I can not believe Blanc voted for me. I mean, what the heck. I haven't done anything yet! Like, does he have any proof? No. He doesn't. So he needs to piss off.

I stormed off to my room almost immediately after voting occurred, I didn't even stop when I heard the announcement. I knew that it was just for dinner and there was no way I was going back to the cafeteria.

Finally, I reached my room and punched in the code and let the door slide open. I stomped in and slammed the door behind me. I flopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I could've stayed there all night, but I heard someone knock on my door.

Poppy: Ash? Ash? Are you in there?

I stayed silent. Maybe she would think I wasn't here if I didn't say anything. But instead she just continued pounding on the door. After about two minutes, I got fed up with the noise and opened the door.

Ash: What do you want.

I looked down at her hands to see she was holding a food tray.

Poppy: You haven't had anything to eat since you got here, I thought you might want something.

Ash: I'm not hungry.

My stomach growled in protest as I stared at the green burger on the tray.

Poppy: You sure about that?

Ash: Yes. Now leave me alone.

She frowned, then did the exact opposite of what I had just told her to do. She walked right past me, into my room, and set the tray down on my bed.

Poppy: You have a nice room.

She was looking around my bedroom, staring out the window.

Ash: I'm sure yours is nice too.

Poppy: It is, they're all nice.

We sat in silence for a while until Poppy looked at me.

Poppy: Ash, you should eat.

Ash: I told you I'm not hungry.

Poppy: I know you are... I'll leave so you can eat in peace.

She stood up and started to leave.

Poppy: Hey and Ash, please try to get along with everyone. We can't be against each other. We have to work as a team. Have a good night.

Ash: Night.

When I knew she was gone I looked over at the food. I stood up and grabbed the tray eating every last crumb, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I tasted the burger in my mouth. After I finished the tray I laid down on my bed looking out the window. I saw the bright light that the stars give off. I was quite pretty, I fell asleep dreaming of touching the bright lights and feeling the warmth of them on my skin.

~Cyan's POV~

Where should I go first? Electrical? Reactor? Admin? Maybe I should go to Admin. I started walking down the hallway, until I made my way to the room labeled "Admin". I turned my tablet on and examined the map. If I was correct, this is where you would swipe your card.

I started to walk towards the card swipe but then I heard the door open and someone walked in the room. I froze then sprinted to the corner, trying to curl myself into a ball. Hopefully they didn't see me-

???: Cyan?

Dangit. I hate how bright my space suit is. I peered out behind the corner and saw Oliver standing above me.

Cyan: O-oh, h-hey.

Oliver: What are you doing back here?

Cyan: I-uh-got scared.

He frowned, then his expression softened.

Oliver: I wouldn't hurt you if I was the imposter, Cyan.

I stayed still. Why was I having deja vu? Had this already happened? No-I don't think so.

Cyan: Thank you, Oliver. I wouldn't hurt you either.

And I meant it. I really meant it. 

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