Part 9

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~Blanc's POV~

I went back to my room and sat down. Something has to happen soon, I mean this whole situation is odd, and I doubt that nothing will happen. I heard a knock on my door. Wow, I'm smart, I mean I already knew that, but right on time. I opened the door

Kim: Uh, h-hey.

Blanc: You need something?

Kim: We're all meeting in the cafeteria so uh, yeah.

His voice was quiet and his head was down. How rude to not look at me when talking. I raised his chin so he was looking at me.

Blanc: It's rude to not look at people when you're talking to them.

His face quickly got red, and his eyes averted my gaze, I brushed past him going to the cafeteria. I grinned, he's so dumb.

~Cyan's POV~

I was laying on my bed, just staring at the ceiling, when I heard someone knocking on my door. I decided that if I was quiet enough, they would give up and just go away. But then to my horror, the door slid open. I sat up abruptly to see Oliver, standing in the doorway.

I flushed red.

Cyan: H-how d-did you get in h-here?!

Oliver: You left your door unlocked. : )

I turned even redder. First I trip and fall on my face, and now I leave my door unlocked? God.

Oliver: Well-umm-we're meeting in the cafeteria to talk. Do you wanna come?

I paused. What was this meeting about? I thought for a moment. My bed sounded really appealing-just laying there, continuing staring at the ceiling, but then I looked back at Oliver to see his eyes were hopeful. He wanted me to come.

Cyan: Sure...

Oliver: Awesome! C'mon.

He started walking out the door, and when I didn't follow him, he turned back around.

Oliver: It's alright, Cyan. I won't let anything happen to you.

I blushed. He extended his hand to me, and I carefully placed mine in his, just like I had when he had helped me stand up.

He closed his fingers around mine, and pulled me gently out the door and down the hallway. Maybe he wasn't so bad...

~Kim's POV~

I stood there still processing what happened. Blanc was walking away, I did not expect that. He's right, I should look at people when I talk to them, but... I still couldn't do it. I could still feel his hand on my chin raising my head to look at him. I still had to get the others, so I walked to Arson's room and tried to forget what happened. I knocked on the door, I heard some shuffling and he opened the door. He kind of scared me, his face was empty and he looked like he could beat me up.

Kim: Ummm-w-we're meeting in the cafeteria.

My eyes instinctively looked down, afraid of eye contact. Without saying a word, he started walking down the hallway. I still needed to get Rosie, so I walked to her room and knocked. No one answered, I assumed she wasn't there since she would immediately open the door so that was that and I went to go get Purple. When I got there she was already leaving.

Kim: Oh uh Purple, we're all meeting in the cafeteria.

Purple: Oh...ok. I'll be right there.

She walked in the other direction, maybe she needs to go do something and will come after. I hope she hurries. I myself started heading to the cafeteria, I wonder how this is going to go down.

I finally got there, then took a seat in between Poppy and Rosie, who were already sitting there. Arson was leaning against the wall, staring at us. Blanc, Purple, Oliver, and Cyan walked in and took a seat. I noticed that Oliver was holding Cyan's hand...oh snap.

Oliver: Alright so...

Kim: Oliver found something.

Blanc: What is it.

Oliver took the piece of paper out of his pocket and placed it on the table. Purple immediately leaned over and scanned the words. She gasped, then started bouncing up and down eagerly.

Purple: How exciting!

Oliver: It's really not-we don't know what the heck this is...

Blanc: This seems more like a "you problem", than a "me problem".

Kim: Actually, Blanc, it's all of our problems.

Blanc turned and glared at me.

Blanc: Are you challenging me.

Kim: N-n-no! Of c-course not!
My glasses slid down on my nose and I pushed them back up, trying not to look like a total dork in the process.

Rosie: Guys, let's not fight!

Purple: No, please fight, it's interesting! The t e a. . .

Poppy: Purple, don't encourage them.

I heard a grunt from behind me and I turned around to see Ash. Their blonde pixie cut was slightly curled, and their blue eyes sparkled in the light. Oh, shoot-so that's who I forgot.

Ash: So, you guys are having a fun time without me huh?

Poppy: No, no, of course not! We would never mean to forget you, Ash! Someone was supposed to go and get you!

Everyone turned slowly toward me and stared at me. I turned red.

Kim: S-sorry, Ash...

Ash: Whatever.

They stormed over and sat down next to Poppy. Poppy side glanced at them and rested a hand on their shoulder.

I started to say something when suddenly a voice echoed around the cafeteria... 

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