Part 24

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~Oliver's POV~

What Poppy had done affected me even through the night. The look of pure horror and grief on her face kept me wide awake, staring at my ceiling.

Three people. Three people had died. And for what? Someone's entertainment? This entire thing was sick and twisted. I don't want to be here. I don't think anyone does.

I didn't exactly want to go to breakfast, but my urge to eat overpowered my urge not to see anyone, so I opened my door and set off towards the Cafeteria.

I guess I'm the first one there.. I walked over to the buffet table, loaded two green pancakes onto my plate then walked over to a corner in the back.

I sat there for a while, in the back, alone, until I heard someone walk in the door. I looked up, and saw Cyan standing at the buffet table. Her back was to me, and her shoulders were shaking.

When she turned, her eyes were red and puffy, with dark circles underneath them, and her space suit looked dirty, smeared with dirt and grease. She looked like a mess.

Oliver: Cyan..?

She turned towards me suddenly, eyes wide. When she saw me, she quickly wiped her eyes and avoided eye contact.

Cyan: O-oh, good morning, Oliver.

Oliver: Good morning. Did you sleep well?

She paused, thinking about her answer.

Cyan: Would you like to hear the truthful answer?

I nodded, a little shocked at the tone of her voice. She sounded...different. She didn't stutter. She sounded fed up, and annoyed.

Cyan: I slept horribly. I kept replaying Poppy's face over and over again in my mind as she got ripped apart.

Oliver: The same thing happened to me. I didn't get much sleep as well.

Cyan: I'm sorry about that.

Oliver: No need to be. I'm sorry that you had a horrible night as well.

She shrugged, grabbed a plate, and sat down next to me at my table. Her nervous attitude seemed to return almost immediately, which I found a little strange, and she started fiddling with her hands and tugging at her hair.

Oliver: Is anything else bothering you? You seem more tense than usual.

Cyan: I just-

She sighed.

Cyan: Honestly, I'm scared, Oliver. I'm really, really scared.

She looked at me with her big green eyes, swelling with tears. My heart broke at the sight of her looking so helpless. I reached down and rested my hand on her leg.

Oliver: We all are, Cyan. But we're going to get through this together and we're going to win. I promise.

She looked up at me, tears now leaking down her cheeks.

Cyan: But what if we can't win?

I paused.

Oliver: We will.

She didn't say anything, and neither did I. After a little while, she said she needed to start her tasks in Electrical, and left.

Her words were glued into my brain for the rest of the day though: But what if we can't win?

~Arson's POV~

I stayed in my room for most of the day. I had enough killing to last me at least three to four days. It was the other imposter's turn. Speaking of which, why weren't they doing their job? Did they just leave all the dirty work for me? What's with that? I mean, how is that fair.

I spent hours drawing in my sketchbook, just random little doodles, until I heard my tablet ding. I looked at it, and to my surprise, a completely different screen than what had been there before was there.

It was entirely black, except for little chat bubbles, kind of like texting on a phone.

To the side of the screen, was one little white chat bubble that read:

???: You probably don't know who I am, and I think that that's best, but I'm the other imposter.

I stared at the message. Since when were we allowed to communicate?

A few dots appeared underneath that, and more words came.

???: I don't know if you got a note too-but at the very bottom of mine it told me to open my tablet and this was I guess we can talk now-?

Arson: Why haven't you done any of the work yet.

They didn't reply for a minute or two, but finally the dots appeared again.

???: I'm sorry...I know that it isn't fair that I've been leaving all the work for you so far, but I'm not exactly accustomed to killing people. I've had to work up the courage, but I think it's finally my time.

Arson: Who are you going to kill?
???: I saw Rosie heading into Navigation alone...I don't want to, but this is a perfect opportunity.

Arson: NO. That is the one person you are not allowed to kill. We can leave one or two crewmates alive, right? She's going to one of them.

???: Fine...I guess that that's fair.

Arson: Do you know who I am?

???: No. And you don't know who I am, correct?

Arson: That is correct.

???: Alright... good, that seems reasonable, don't you think?

Arson: Yeah.

???: How do you do it?

Arson: Do what?

???: Kill people. I mean... with such ease and bravery.

I sat still, contemplating their question.

Arson: It's not easy, actually. It takes guts... I don't want to do this, but if it means we can get off this ship, then I'll do it. It's either them or us, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to get ripped apart in space.

???: ...

Arson: I'm just saying.

???: I know, I know. You have a point. I should be going... someone could catch me and think I'm 'sus'. Thanks for the advice.

Arson: You're welcome... bye.

The screen went dark for a moment, then it came back on and the regular screen was back.

I didn't know much about this person...but one thing I did know was that someone was going to die today.

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