Part 27

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~Ash's POV~

I was sitting alone in the...cafeteria? Would you call it that? I suppose. I mean there was a small buffet and a bunch of tables, so yeah..I suppose it was the cafeteria.

If I'm going to be honest...I was really annoyed with everyone. All of them. They all lied and cheated. But Poppy was forgiving I guess needed to too. I watched as all these strange people rushed by. Ones like Bullzeye and Arson I suppose...though I never would've thought that Arson was like them.

???: Hey, Ash!

I turned to see Poppy walking up behind me.

Ash: Hey, Poppy.

Poppy: I just had a conversation with Cyan. She's a wreck...I feel so bad for her.

I gritted my teeth.

Ash: Yeah, I guess.

Poppy rested a hand on my leg and sighed.

Poppy: Ash, I know you're still holding a grudge.

Ash: What? Me? Grudge? Nooooo.

She laughed a little and I smiled slightly.

Poppy: It's okay to hold a grudge. I understand.

Ash: You do?

She nodded.

Poppy: Of course I do. You aren't human if you haven't held a grudge!

I smiled at her and she smiled back, then slowly she laid her head on my shoulder. For a second, I tensed up... but then I relaxed and nervously placed my arm around her.

I've never done this okay? I don't know anything about friendships or anything like that. I've never had friends, and I've never wanted any. But Poppy... Poppy was different.

Poppy: Well, I better get going. See you later, Ash.

She smiled at me, then started walking away. I froze for a moment.

Ash: Wait! Poppy!

She turned around and arched an eyebrow.

Poppy: Yes?

I stayed silent for a moment, then walked up to her.

Ash: Thank you, Poppy.

Poppy: For what-?

Ash: ...For everything.

Slowly, I leaned down and kissed her shyly, then stood back up and walked away. Wait-why did I do that?!

~Kim's POV~

We may be trapped, but this place is so cool. These pods are like nothing I've ever seen before, how they managed to simulate pain and movement is insane. I really wish I knew more about it and how they achieved that, but I doubt they would tell me something like that. I usually stayed close to Blanc, since let's be honest, I'm not the strongest person. I never thought Blanc actually cared for me, but apparently he let himself die because he knew I was scared.

We found our way to the cafeteria where I saw a couple of random people sitting and eating around when we sat down. We cautiously sat down at an empty table, a screen turned on behind us.

"Good morning, I have the high levels in the office today for assignments, and training rooms will be open at 9:00 instead of 8:00 today. Also we have new... guests... Please give them a warm welcome, and don't worry, they won't be here for much longer."

Everyone in the cafeteria turned to us. We tensed up, sensing unease. We needed to get out of there. How much longer do we have until... we aren't here? I scooted closer to Blanc, wishing I could just disappear. He stood up and grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the cafeteria. We went into the room that we were given, and sat on a bed.

Blanc: We need to talk to the others.

Kim: Yeah...

We sat there in heavy silence, not knowing what to do until they got here.

Suddenly I felt Blanc's hand land on my head, softly playing with my hair. I find that a lot of people like curly hair, many people randomly touch my hair for no reason. However, this wasn't how others would do it, they would usually just pull the strands straight then let go to see it bounce up, but Blanc was just running his fingers through my hair, it felt nice and calming.

I slowly started to lean into Blanc's chest, letting him do whatever he wanted. His chest was warm, as he shifted me to be almost sitting on his lap. I felt like a small puppy being cuddled by its owner. I buried my face in his chest, liking the warmth, and also to cover my red face.

Blanc then adjusted me to be completely on his lap, and lifted my chin. I find he does that a lot. He kissed me on the forehead and cupped my face. Avoiding eye contact, I blushed, trying to pull away. Blanc let go of my chin and grabbed my back, so I didn't fall as I pulled back. Not knowing what to say I just sat there, fidgeting with my clothes. He slid his hands under my shirt and pulled me close again, grinning smugly. His hands felt warm and soft on my skin. He laid down on the bed, dragging me with him. We laid there in silence as time passed. And slowly I felt myself drift asleep, enveloped in Blanc's warmth. I nuzzled closer to him, wanting to hide from the cold that the AC gives off.

~ ~

I opened my eyes, seeing bright lights blur together. I rubbed my eyes and noticed that I was laying on top of Blanc. I quickly stood up and got off of him, to see that he was asleep. How long were we sleeping? I looked at the clock to see it was around 10:00 a.m, so we weren't out that long. I sighed with relief that no one came in here.

Where is everyone? I really hope no one gets into trouble, not many of the others are exactly street smart. I sat down on a bed across from the one Blanc was still passed out on, and began thinking about reasons we could be here. What did they need with us? We were just regular people, why didn't they use more of their own people, like Arson? Though Arson didn't deserve this, he didn't ask to be a part of this thing, it seems none of the kids here were. They were just dragged into this. Suddenly the loud speaker blared again,

"High rank group please meet in the training hall."

I glanced at Blanc, and shrugged. Might as well see what's going on...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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