Part 14

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~Poppy's POV~

I was walking down the hallway, then I reached a room that read electrical. Cool. I had never been in here before.

I walked in, and immediately I wished I hadn't. I screamed. Lying on the ground, eyes wide with panic was Purple. I bent down beside her and saw the blood gushing from the side of her head. Someone had shot her.

I frantically pulled out the tablet and started pressing buttons until I pushed the one that read "Report".

All of a sudden, a loud alarm sound echoed around the entire space ship and the lights shut off. I felt myself being whisked away faster than I could've ever run.

Then the lights turned back on, and I was sitting in the cafeteria with all my friends.

Oliver: Hey! What was that for?! I was in the middle of a task.

He crossed his arms and glared at all of us.

Poppy: Purple is dead.

All of us stayed silent. I looked up and saw a single tear running down Cyan's cheek. Rosie looked horrified and she was clutching onto Arson's hand. Arson himself looked a little shaken, which is how you really know that something is seriously wrong. Oliver looked like he regretted his statement from earlier and Kim just stared at the table. Blanc was the only one that didn't seem bothered by it whatsoever.

Rosie: Where was the body?

I almost couldn't hear her because she said it so quietly.

Poppy: In electrical.

Blanc: Was anyone walking out of there?

Oliver: Yeah, anyone suspicious?

I shook my head.

Poppy: No, I didn't see anyone in there.

Kim: No offense, Poppy, but you're a little sus right now, I mean, it could've been a self report.

Blanc: What does "sus" mean.

Kim: Short for suspicious.

Blanc rolled his eyes.

Blanc: Well, back in Russia, we don't-

Oliver: Poppy, do you have a defense to Kim's statement?

I panicked for a moment, thinking about what to say.

Poppy: I've been doing my tasks all day, I swear. I was just wandering around when I reached the electrical room and I found Purple there.

They all stayed silent for a moment.

Oliver: I think it's a little "sus" that Arson hasn't said anything.

Rosie made a small gasping noise.

Rosie: I was with Arson for awhile! And shame on you, Oliver! You have no proof against him! He just hasn't said anything yet!

Arson grabbed her arm and gave her a look saying that it was okay.

Arson: He may not have anything against me, but he has nothing to clear me. I understand his reasoning.

His face showed no worry, like he had everything under control. In a way it feels like he does.

Poppy: I think Arson definitely could've pulled this off, but I doubt it's actually him...

Everyone else nodded. I looked down at my tablet and saw that the task screen was replaced with a black screen that read "Voting". Everyone's face was on it, along with their names and when I clicked on one, a check mark and an ex appeared. In the corner was a small button that said "Skip".

Kim: Since we have no physical evidence against anyone, I believe we should skip.

Oliver: Wait. We may not have any physical proof, but why does Blanc seem unfazed. I mean, who responds to a corpse like that?

Kim: I don't think it's him, plus I've been with him most of the time.

Blanc grunted and pressed a button on his tablet. A screen on the wall appeared and it said "Blanc has voted".

Kim: We should just skip.

Blanc: You all have forgotten about something.

We all looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

Poppy: What?

Blanc pointed to the corner of the cafeteria, and we all turned to see Ash standing there, their arms crossed, a frown on their face.

Ash: It's not me. I've been in my room all day.

They kept a straight face when they said this. No look of panic, fear, smugness, or anything on their face.

Kim: We don't have any evidence against anyone currently, so we should just skip.

Poppy: I agree, let's just skip, I mean, we don't know what happens when we get it wrong.

I pressed the "Skip" button and the screen on the wall read "Poppy has voted." The screen lit up again and again until it said "Everyone has voted". I sucked in my breath, and watched to see what had the most votes.

Eight tally marks appeared underneath "Skipped" But one tally mark appeared underneath Ash's profile. I looked at them and they looked slightly annoyed but quickly masked it.

Blanc stood up and walked out of the room, not stopping to talk to anyone. Kim stood up and started to follow him.

I was about to go and resume looking around the ship when an announcement echoed around the cafeteria.

"Alrighty, guys since it was your first murder, I prepared a special dinner!! I just want to say... I am so proud, I mean, all of you are doing so great... I promised myself I wouldn't cry. OK, OK, pull yourself together...IT'S NIGHT TIME! So get a good night's rest~ goodnightttt~"

I decided I wasn't hungry, so I walked straight out of the cafeteria and towards my room, but then I turned around and started to go back to the cafeteria. I wasn't hungry, but I knew someone who might be...

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