Part 20

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~Oliver's POV~

I went back to my room and sat on my bed. God, what is wrong with this world. Why were we here, why was this happening. I swear when I find out who the Imposters are I'm going to personally beat them up. I know it's not their fault that they were chosen to be imposters, but why go through with it?! It's sick! I was a little suspicious of Poppy, but that was until.... Nevermind, I've got to think of the future not the past. I went to sleep fuming with anger and remorse, anger towards the imposters and remorse for the dead people. I have to protect Cyan from those killers. Ok I sound a little bit like one of those dramatic anime characters..... I'm going to stop now.

I woke up to that stupid voice again.

Oliver: I HATE YOU!

I yelled at the box that the voice came from. I probably looked dumb, but it's already happened so, can't change the past. I walked out of my room and went to get some breakfast. Only Blanc and Kim were at a table together. I got my food, and started eating. I wonder where Cyan was. I ate my food then went to go get Cyan. While walking to her room I saw her in medbay.

Oliver: Oh, hey! I was looking for you!

She looked over startled. Then went back to her task. I guess she was really focused.

Oliver: Oh, sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you.

She quickly finished her task then looked over at me.

Cyan: H-hi.

Oliver: Hi, uhhh...

Now what do I do?

Oliver: Wanna do tasks with me?

She glanced around the room, nervously avoiding eye contact.

Cyan: S-sure.

I really wished she felt more comfortable with me, what was I doing wrong? 

We spent the day doing tasks together and rarely talked, she kind of just quietly followed me around the ship, we saw Arson and Rosie walking together at some point, but that was it. Then I realized, only me, Cyan, Arson, Rosie, Kim and Blanc remained. To think three people had already died... it's only been a couple of days! They're all so stupid, playing into this whole thing. I'm going to end this! I swear I'm going to end this thing even if it takes my life! Blanc is definitely an imposter, that guy is a total jerk! God I want to punch that smirk off his smug face.... But I don't have the confidence. I feel like he could totally beat me up, even if I do workout every night. I just have to get stronger, so I can ruin that face of his.

Cyan: Uhhh.. Goodnight Oliver.

I realized the nighttime announcement had already happened.

Oliver: Oh! Uh- goodnight!

I walked into my room and waved goodbye. Wait- since when were we walking to my room? Whatever, I need to focus. So Blanc is obviously the imposter, and maybe Arson. That guy scares me, he just looks so.... scary. But in all honesty it could not be him, maybe he's just a scary looking guy. Now I feel bad for judging him based on his appearance. Shame on me. 

~Arson's POV~

I'm an awful person. Seeing Poppy's face, how desperate she was... it was all because of me. I killed someone. Someone that had someone who cared about them. Someone that when their body was found, the person who cared about them just gave up. 

I have to do this. That's what I keep telling myself at least. I have to, I don't have a choice. It's not my fault. I still pulled the trigger though. I still have to do this though, so I should plan who I should.... Not right now, I'm not going to think of this right now. Later. After it has settled down. I should try and make sense of what's happening, then I can think about...killing. I found that after I kill someone my gun simply doesn't work, which is odd. It's just a normal gun so I can't imagine how it could be rigged like that. None of this makes sense. 

I also never noticed the trapdoor contraption in the cafeteria till now, I should check that out, I feel like I would've noticed something like that. She was also ejected out to the side instead of just down, I'm confused on how that trapdoor thing works. I just want to sleep, but my mind is racing too fast for me to sleep. I looked over at my desk and saw a bottle. Did I put that there? I walked over to see sleep medication... I looked around confused, who put this here? Just another mystery I guess I took a pill and layed down on my bed, letting it take its course. 

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