Part 6

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~Cyan's POV~

Oh my god-oh my god I'm such an idiot. I'm so clumsy, why. Why, why, why. At least I didn't fall in the orange juice bowl...that would have screwed up my makeup I spent three hours on this morning.

Oliver hurried over to me and bent down.

Oliver: Oh my god-Cyan, are you alright?

I nodded, trying to stand up while hiding my face that I knew was bright red.

Cyan: O-oh yeah, yeah, I'm f-fine.

I heard Blanc chuckled a little, oh god why do I have to be so clumsy.

Oliver extended his hand to me and I stared at it for a second, then carefully lowered mine into his. Even though we were both wearing gloves, I could still feel the warmth from his hand and his strong grip as he closed his fingers around mine. I stood up slowly and looked around. No one was looking at me anymore. Thank the lord.

I heard footsteps and looked over to see Rosie and Arson walking together. Those to sure have been close, what an odd pair. It looked like Arson was woken up by Rosie, considering the tired expression he had. Rosie was chatting away and I wondered where she got all that energy from. It must be tiring for Arson to be with such an energetic person. Arson got his food and sat down at one of the far empty tables, Rosie glanced over at everyone else and turned back to Arson, sitting next to him. I heard Rosie chatting about how weird the food is and god knows what else. I went to sit down next to Poppy, careful to not drop any food. Oliver sat next to me and sighed as he examined the food.

Oliver: Are we sure this is edible?

I shrugged.

Poppy: Yep!

Poppy said this with a face full of pancakes, it seems she was enjoying her meal. I sighed and began picking at my food, hesitantly I took a bite. Wait-this isn't so bad, in fact, it's actually really good.

~Blanc's POV~

Kim was fidgeting next to me, god can that little midget stay still?! These waffles are quite the odd color but food is survival and I am definitely not going to die. I'm too important for that. Kim was quite small, he barely reached my shoulders even when we were sitting, he wasn't just short, he was just small. He was thin all around and I could probably put my hand around his thigh. His glasses were way too big and barely fit him, they kept sliding down making him look like a nervous idiot. His curly hair looked to be unkempt, he probably didn't even look in the mirror to try and make them look presentable. Since he was so small, I wondered about his weight, I mean I could probably throw him across the room by the looks of it.

He looked up at me again and gave me a nervous smile. I frowned and resumed picking at my food. Cyan-was that what she called herself?-was quite amusing. I hadn't chuckled in a while, but watching her fall flat on her face, now that was entertaining. I had finished my odd meal and put my plate in a box labeled "dirty dishes here". I left and wondered where the others were, they probably were still asleep.

~Arson's POV~

I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door. I groaned and rolled out of bed, rubbing my face to try and see better. Who was at my door? How early was it... I got up and opened the door to see a rather energetic Rosie standing there.

Rosie: Good morning~

She smiled wide, it was hard to be mad at someone when they're so easy going.

Rosie: do you want to go get breakfast with me, I think some people are already there!

Great... people, just more people to have to scare off so they don't mess with me. I groaned at the bright lights in the hallway.

Arson: Can I please just go back to bed?

Rosie: No can do, now go get dressed and I'll be waiting out here!

She shut the door before I could protest any further, this was the first time someone felt comfortable to tell me what to do. I don't know why she was even here, I kinda scared her last night and I don't see any reason for her to want to hang out with me. But here we are. I quickly got dressed not wanting to make her wait, and look in the mirror. My face looked as empty as it always was, and also not to mention the weird sprout thing on my head. I tied up my hair so it stayed out of my way and went outside to where Rosie was waiting.

She grabbed my hand, which surprised me, and dragged me through the hallways. Her hand was small and delicate, as she walked along. We walked into the cafeteria and I saw everyone stare, Blanc was sitting at a table with Kim, Poppy, Cyan, and Oliver. I got my food and headed for the farthest table, I knew Rosie would want to go sit with them so maybe I would have some quiet time. Though to my surprise, Rosie came to sit right next to me. Why is she so attached to me, it's like they're a lost puppy following the first person they meet. I'm not going to say I wasn't getting attached to her as well though, I felt the need to protect her, she's so wholesome and innocent. I sighed, I guess I'm stuck with them. 

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