Part 1

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~??? POV~
I woke up with a pounding headache, to see that I was in a large room. The walls were a light shade of pink, the floors were carpeted in dark velvet red carpet, and I was laying on a fluffy pink bed. A huge window was next to me, and I peered out to see space. WAIT-SPACE?!? WHY IN THE WORLD WAS I IN SPACE?

I threw myself out of the bed and scrambled to the big metal door on the opposite side of the bed, and frantically pushed buttons on the side of the wall and the door opened.

I ran out and into a metal corridor with a few buttons and doors on the side of the walls. It was quite dark, just one single light hanging every few feet to provide a tiny bit of light.

Where was I?

I looked down at myself to see...I was in a pink spacesuit. What the-I don't remember putting that on. In fact I don't remember anything. All I remember is that I was playing on the beach with my friends...then everything after that is fuzzy. What happened to me? What happened to them? Were my friends okay? I hoped so...hopefully it was just me who was drawn into this weird situation.

~??? POV~

Guess people would be calling me blue now. That's what everyone else was calling me. I still think this whole thing is strange though...we just all suddenly wake up in this strange spaceship, without any intel on how we got here or what happened.

I was sitting around a table with a few other colors. Across from me, was a girl who was in an orange space suit-orange I suppose. I guess she had gotten the color because her hair was dyed exactly to match her suit. She had tanned white skin and freckles dotted her nose and cheeks. She seemed friendly enough, and kept chatting with everyone. She did have a pumpkin resting on the corner of her head though, which I found quite weird.

On one side of me, was a man wearing a whitespace suit-we had started to call him white, but he shut that down immediately. He insisted that we call him Blanc.

"But isn't that just another word for white?" I had asked him.

He waved my question away. "No matter."

He had very light brown skin, dark hazel eyes, and a short black buzz cut. When he stood up, he towered over me and I hadn't seen him smile once, it didn't help that he had a very unfriendly Russian accent.

On the other side of me was a turquoise-ish color, maybe Cyan? She was quite pretty if I do say so myself. She had olive-colored skin, long black hair, and bright green eyes. She hadn't talked very much but she was tapping her foot anxiously on the ground, bouncing it up and down. She kept her eyes glued to the floor, which sort of disappointed me because I couldn't see them very well.

Sitting next to Orange was Red. At the very beginning, when we had all met each other, they had told us immediately that they use they/them pronouns, and would not respond to anything else. We had all agreed that we would try our best to remember that. They had a short, blonde pixie haircut. Their eyes were a startling shade of blue and their pale white skin was clear of freckles. They were very serious, and discussed everything about why and how we got here or what we were going to do.

On the other side of Orange, was Dark Green. He was a very skinny looking guy, with black glasses that kept sliding down his nose. He hadn't talked that much, kind of like Cyan, but unlike her, he had very dull green eyes. His hair was curly and he had dark coffee-colored skin, and he was wearing a dark green spacesuit, duh.

Next to him, was Purple. She talked a little bit, but never about herself, mostly asking people what they were like or who they were or what their names were. We often had to remind her, that we weren't supposed to tell each other our names, as the note that we had found under the table clearly stated. She had shoulder-length brown hair, that was completely straight, not a single wave in sight. Her eyes were a strange shade of magenta, which I found a little odd. Her skin was a slightly darker shade than Blanc's. She had a weird green sprout on the top of her head- strange..

In the corner stood a dark figure. I couldn't tell their gender clearly, they looked to be listening but didn't talk much. They looked to be the color black since they wore a black suit. As I squinted trying to get a better look I saw they had dark hair tied back into a low bun with an undercut. It looked like their eyes were black but I couldn't tell from where I was standing. They had a sprout on their head which seemed a little odd, just like Purple's, but that was definitely not the weirdest thing that's happened today. I decided to go and say my hellos when a very bouncy girl went up to them.

She started fussing over them while they just stood and watched her. She has short wavy hair and wore a flower crown with pink flowers. She had on a pink suit so I assumed she was pink. She was very energetic and seemed to like being near them, I wondered if they already knew each other? It wouldn't seem likely for those two to be friends. Maybe she's the type to try and cheer up the quiet kids. She definitely seems like it.

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