Part 13

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~Blanc's POV~

I was finishing my breakfast when Arson walked in. Kim has decided to sit next to me again, maybe since there were no other seats. I got up and put my plate away. I guess I should do some tasks, I looked at my map and headed to the nearest tasks. I saw I had one in the cafeteria so I started to download data, I have no clue what data, but apparently I'm downloading it. I walked out then went to storage, I'm not getting gas. No, I'm too important to be doing something as lowly as fueling an engine. I saw Kim walk by trying to find where his tasks were so I took my chance.

Blanc: You! Come here.

Kim looked over confused, then slowly walked over. He shuffled when he walked, he's very easily intimidated.

Blanc: I don't want to risk getting oil on my hands, so you do it.

Kim: ...Do what?

I sighed and gave him the tank of fuel.

Blanc: Go and fuel the engines.

He hesitated, then started to walk to the lower engine carefully pouring in the oil. He went back grabbing another canister and I followed him as he carried it to the next engine. I noticed how his small body worked hard to keep the oil from dropping from his hands. Gravity and DNA seems to like to be mean to him. I sighed and grabbed the handle making his job a little easier. He shuffled closer to me trying to get me to carry it more, but I didn't. It was amusing seeing him struggle.

He poured oil in the other tank and when he finally set it down he breathed heavily, he wasn't very strong.

Blanc: Good job.

I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Blanc: You did so much.

Kim: I did more than you.

I smiled and started to walk away, he followed me. Why? I don't know, but that little twink was following me like a dog follows their owner. I looked back at him.

Blanc: Did you need something?

Kim: I just don't want to be killed, and being alone right now isn't the best of ideas.

Blanc: How do you know I'm not going to kill you?

He hesitated before answering.

Kim: I don't know, I just have a feeling I can trust you.

Blanc: Well, that's a bad choice.

I continued walking as he ran to catch up with me.

Kim: Why? Shouldn't you want people to trust you?

Blanc: I don't really care, but I'm just saying I'm not very trustworthy.

Kim: But the fact you're saying that makes you even more trustworthy.

Blanc: How exactly?

Kim: Well, you would never tell others to not trust you if you were the imposter, I mean you would want people to not know it was you.

Blanc: You don't know me at all, so how can you just assume that.

Kim: Just a feeling I guess...

By now we had gotten to my room, and I walked in. Kim stood by the door awkwardly, not knowing if he should come in or just leave. Carefully he started walking in checking to see if I cared. I sat down on my couch and started reading. I didn't really care if he was here or not, it wasn't my problem, though he is a bit annoying. He walked up by me.

Kim: What are you reading?

Blanc: A book.

Kim: I know that but what book?

Blanc: Peter Rabbit.

He looked surprised then sat down next to me looking over to see. He was quite close but I don't think he noticed.

Kim: S-sorry I didn't realize how close I was.

He quickly scooted away. I just kept reading, not really paying attention to him. After a while he seemed to start to zone off, I looked over at the clock and saw how late it was getting. If he wanted to leave he could, so I just ignored it and kept reading.

I finished my book and looked over at Kim, he had fallen asleep and was curled up in a ball head resting on the arm rest. I sighed and picked him up. I carried him to his room and put him in his bed. I turned off the lights and left. Very rude of him making me do that, he should've just left, what an idiot.

~Kim's POV~

My eyes slowly opened to be greeted to my own room, I knew Blanc had carried me here since the movement woke me up, but I was too scared so I just pretended to be asleep. It kinda worried me how easily he picked me up, and it worried me even more that he knew he could do that. I sat up and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, my curly hair had fluffed up and I looked like I had gotten shocked by electricity. I never knew how to deal with my hair, so I tried just patting it down. I don't know why I thought that would work, because it didn't.... I tried getting those products that people who actually knew what they were doing and tried putting that into my hair. It sort of worked, at least I don't look like a mad scientist. I thought that was good enough and went to go get breakfast. I sat down at an empty seat, which again, was by Blanc. It seems no one wants to sit by him. I ate and noticed Blanc staring at me. I shouldn't have gone into his room, he definitely hates me

Blanc: Do you even try to take care of your hair.

Kim: I- I try.

Blanc: Well you're quite bad at it.

Kim: Could you do better?

Blanc: Definitely.

Kim: Wait...really?

Blanc: Yes. It's not that hard.

How can it not be hard when no matter what I do I look like one of those small white dogs that when you give a bath they look like rats.

Kim: Well...okay.

He went back to eating, and so did I. By now I could see the whole table side-eyeing us, wanting to see the drama. I got up and put my plate away then walked back to my room. I decided to read a book about building spaceships. I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Blanc.

Kim: Hi?

Blanc: I'm here to fix the mess that's on your head.

He continued to fix my hair and it ended up looking good. I don't know why he knows how to do that but...okay? 

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