Part 25

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~Purple's POV~

I watched as it happened, the last piece to the puzzle, It's over. I heard a meeting be called as they gathered around the table, nobody found the bodies, no one called a meeting.

"Well, it seems only two crewmates remain"

Arson, Cyan, Rosie and Oliver stood around the table.

"But I'm feeling generous, I will give you this time to talk, and try to find an imposter. No ejections, no consequences, I just want to see if you can figure it out!"

They all looked at each other, there were two killers among them.

Rosie: Blanc and Kim are.... dead. W-when, when did that happen?

Rosie's voice was shaky and scared.

Cyan: And two of us, are killers?

Oliver: I guess so...

Arson had an expression that showed... no expression, it's really a talent of his.

Rosie: But none of us... would kill people right?

Oliver: I'm not so sure about them.

Oliver stared at Arson, and Arson looked him dead in the eye. And said probably the most he's ever said on this ship at once.

Arson: I know I don't look very friendly, and sure, whenever someone talks to me I die a little inside because of my crippling social anxiety, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to say someone's a murderer simply because their not friendly, you inconsiderate mole.

Silence and shock passed through the room as Arson stared down Oliver,

Arson: What? Do you not have evidence of my countless murders? I mean, I haven't talked to you at all, so surely I killed them all.

Oliver: I-I'm sorry.

Oliver looked down, probably terrified and ashamed, I mean, I would be too.

Arson: And honestly, every single meeting we've ever had, he's been there saying, I think it's him. Well it makes sense, having nothing to think with but his small, brainless, head.

Arson closed his eyes and took a few shaky breaths to calm themselves down, then went back to their nothingless stare.

Arson: Anyway.... I know who they are, but it's up to you to decide your future.

Rosie: Wait... Arson you know who they are?

Arson: I've known for a while now.

Arson pressed the button on the board to lock in their vote.

Cyan: S-shouldn't we talk about this more?

Oliver: They did say there were no consequences, so I think we'll be fine either way... I hope. I-I don't know who it is. M-maybe this is all just a joke ya know, maybe none of us are the killers?

You could hear the doubt in his voice.

Rosie: I really wish... But I doubt it, a-and all the people who have died would want us to continue.

Oliver: I-m... I'm going to skip.

Cyan: I-I agree....

Oliver, Cyan and Rosie locked in their votes. The screen showed four votes for skip.

Rosie: So? Is this really it? What happens now?

Oliver: I don't know.

I held in my breath almost forgetting who I was and where I was. I looked around at the other ghosts, and Blanc looked like he just wanted them to get over with this. He's kind of hot.... Anyway. The loudspeaker came on.

Among UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora