Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

BECAUSE OF the Emperor's careless behavior towards Brielle, rumors about him affiliating with a servant spread across the empire. It became obvious and looks like someone is adding fuel to the fire, making the gossip look bad. There were witnesses of the unfavorable deeds of the Emperor towards Brielle, and yet some believe that the Emperor was doing such things because the lady has become his favorite. Not only that, some rumors say that the lady was a vixen seducing the Emperor.

Nevertheless, that's not the rumor circulating around the Emperor's chamber at the moment. On the pathway leading to the Emperor's pavilion, three servants were busy talking about the recent issue.

"The Emperor is no human! Have you heard of it, Bong?" A female servant said.

Another one replied, "He's a monster! An evil one, Purita!" It was bong.

"Hush! Watch your head; it might fall without you knowing!" The sweeper of the floor intruded.

"But he is no human, Aldrich!" said the female servant, whose name is Purita.

"Right, I can't believe it! He stayed up that long! Brielle can't even walk now!" Added Bong, "I've heard, they're at it for two days straight!"

The sweeper who's been loyal to the Vassilys intruded again, saying, "Yes, but that doesn't mean they were consistently doing it. I've seen the Emperor come out of the chamber many times, and Brielle might be resting during those times. They were not consistently doing it; it's just that their main session for the past two days has been sex."
"You're not sure about that," said Purita.

The sweeper replied, "I am. He lets her rest before they continue their s—session! The Emperor showed her mercy by considering her request to let her rest. I always pass by the Emperor's chamber to do my duty, and from time to time, I see the Emperor smoking outside."

"Still! It's never enough! Even if she rested, ate, or drank, she's no match for the Emperor's stamina!" said Bong. "The doctor said Brielle should rest for two weeks. She's swollen and sore."

"What? Poor soul," Purita sighed. "She won't be able to walk in her situation. She's also had a high fever. But you know what's shocking? The Emperor himself is taking care of her! He has never done this before! Like never. Remember how he treated women like poison before?"

"And what? You think it's good news? It's not; he should be responsible for what he has done. He knew Brielle could never match him, yet he continued. Even though Brielle agreed, he should have been more considerate!" Bong remarked.

Aldrich intruded, "Are you forgetting the fact that he's a Vassily and they don't think of anyone but themselves? It's already shocking and a relief at the same time to hear that he's actually taking responsibility for what he has done! Hey, let's stop before we lose our heads!"
The servants eventually stopped talking and continued their work in fear of getting caught talking behind the Emperor's back. They have been warned before by the Emperor, and it'll truly be their end if they were to be caught by him. However, not far from the vicinity, at the next pavilion, the lady who's supposed to be the first woman in the harem and the elder loyal to her were eavesdropping on the rumors. 

"Have you heard of that, Elder?" said Lady Sylvia while sipping her tea on her balcony under a huge tree, "They already did it."

Toxic Obsession: Massimo Maxence (Emperor Series, #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now