Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

THE EMPEROR has gone mad. He has gone crazy and irrational, and it's affecting the palace. Days passed; if Massimo's calculation is right, as he lost focus the past few days when Brielle went missing, it's already been a week. He's been so stressed lately that he couldn't sleep, and he's always mad. He scattered his Knights across his empire to look for Brielle, but she's been hiding so well that he couldn't find any news about her.

Unfortunately, it's breaking Massimo's heart and soul. It's aching, and this is the first time for him. He never felt this way before; he has been cursed and hurt by his family and the elder Vassilys, but the pain is nothing compared to this. This is hitting his emotions, and it's painful because it's his first. Where is she right now? How is she doing? Fuck, Massimo is starting to realize her significance. He has gone mad, and he believes that the only cure for his madness is Brielle.

The Grand Emperor and Magnus, who have been secretly traveling for days, finally arrived to visit him, and Massimo has not prepared anything for their arrival. He was just sitting on his throne, lifeless, frustrated, and depressed. Magnus and his concubine are fine now, so the little bastard is living his life to the fullest. And yet Massimo's fall is yet to come.

"Maxence," his father called when they arrived at his throne hall. "Won't you greet and welcome your guests?"

Massimo lazily stood up. "I did not prepare for a feast—"

The Grand Emperor cut him off, saying, "Of course, this was supposed to be a surprise visit. But look at you, totally unprepared. An Emperor must be ready at all times."

Massimo sighed, "I can give you a grand celebration right now though."

The Grand Emperor raised an eyebrow as he looked around—his room is freaking messy. "What's wrong? Why do you look so depressed? And what's all with these spikes and chains?"

"Father," Massimo couldn't find the right words; he's freaking broken.

His father frowned at him, saying, "You don't look good, Maxence. You won the war; why do you look defeated?"

The elder who has been assisting the Grand Emperor answered on his behalf, "His servant escaped, your highest grace. He's not in the mood."

The Grand Emperor's face fell into shambles. "Servant?"

The elder cleared his throat. "He's been... hanging out with this servant lately, and the girl just disappeared. The Emperor is looking for her."

"Goodness gracious!" The Grand Emperor exclaimed, It looks like another problem is yet to come. Magnus is done, and now Massimo? Is this a curse in their family?

Magnus walked towards Massimo and said, "Servant, huh."

"Fuck," Massimo gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He has no time to fool around.

"So, I will never fall in love, huh? Especially a servant." Magnus laughed, reminiscing about the days he was mocked by Massimo as well.

Massimo growled, "Fuck you, Magnus. Just because you're having a good time now doesn't mean you can say stupid things."

"Fuck! You mocked me too! And now this is your karma!" Magnus replied with a wide grin, "You said you'd never fall for a girl, especially a servant, but look at you now..."

Massimo grabbed his brother's collar and said, "Fuck off!"

Magnus fought back, "No, you fuck off!"

The Grand Emperor intervened: "You two, fucking calm down."

Massimo let Magnus go and sighed frustratingly, "We're fucking calm, father. If I'm not calm, I should be punching this bastard right now. I'm totally composed, but this bastard is getting on my nerves."

"Fuck off," Magnus said and lifted his middle finger.

Massimo growled, "Fuck your mouth."

"You fucktard, fuck down!" Magnus growled back.

"Stop!" The Grand Emperor finally stood between them and said, "The rest of you leave except for Maxence."

Everyone immediately followed and left, including Magnus. Massimo and his father were left on the throne room floor. It looks like his father is going to try to settle this again in his own way.

The Grand Emperor became dead serious. "What is this? What am I hearing right now, Maxence? Is it true?"

Massimo did not waste any seconds, "Yes!"

"Tell me what this rumored truth is!" His father yelled.

"I'm looking for my fucking servant, and the harem can just fuck off and burn!" Massimo frustratedly replied.

The Grand Emperor gnashed his teeth and said, "You insolent bastard! Ungrateful! Disgusting! A servant? Fool! Don't be stupid!

"Father," Massimo's chest clenched.

"Insolent, ungrateful bastard! What is the meaning of this, Maxence? Where did I go wrong in raising you? I've made you a good person, and look at what you're doing right now! Take responsibility of the fucking harem and leave your bitch!" His father said this and glared daggers at him.

"Father! I already told you that I don't want a harem. And no, she's not a bitch, and I can't fucking leave her! I'll get her back—" Massimo was trying to speak, but the Grand Emperor slapped him so hard that it echoed in the throne room.

"No. I was too kind with Magnus, so he got lost with his decisions. I won't let that happen to you now." His father replied.

Massimo caressed his jaw; his father's strength is no joke. "Fuck father! Can you just stop and let me once again decide what I should do with my life? I did what you wanted me to do. I always do what you want! This time, please let me..."

The sound of a loud and painful slap hovered in the air once again, making the atmosphere more tense. That was painful, and Massimo felt it.

"Disgrace! Ungrateful! Why don't you be like Macsen?"

"Ah, the child who was abducted—" 

Massimo couldn't help himself but reply such thing; however, he was cut off once again with his father's raging voice: "Shut up, you ungrateful child! That woman is a bad influence on you! Look at what you have become! It's good that she disappeared!


His father grabbed his collar and said, "You stop, Maxence! This is for your sake! Don't be stubborn! Don't be a disappointment!"

Massimo thrashed away, shocking his father; that was indeed disrespectful and should never have been done by a younger Vassily to the elder Vassilys.

"No! I will fucking find her, and you can't stop me!" Massimo yelled.

The Grand Emperor's voice thundered through the room, "Are you stupid? She left you!"

"No, she did not! Something might have happened that I don't know..." Massimo's voice trembled; he did not even realize tears were forming in his eyes already.

The Grand Emperor's face darkened. "I did not do anything this time. She left on her own volition because she cannot handle you. Wake up; that servant doesn't match you, Maxence. Wake up, son."

"Yeah, say whatever you want. Call me crazy; call me a disappointment. But I won't stop looking for her. Even if it takes me years or a hundred lifetimes, I will get her back."

Toxic Obsession: Massimo Maxence (Emperor Series, #2) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon