Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

THE END OF the month is coming, and the rumors are still ongoing, as if someone's truly lighting the flame. And the gossip around is truly frustrating, Lady Sylvia, who's so done with the issue. It hurts her pride as a woman and her dignity. What will her father think if he hears about her failing to get into the harem? There are other women who'll be in the harem too waiting for the Emperor's announcement, and their patience is running thin as well.

She looked at the elder who was writing something on his table, and she growled, "Elder, what are we going to do now?"

"I'll talk with the Emperor," the elder calmly replied as he looked at the roll.

Lady Sylvia blurted out, "But he's in a bad mood today!"

The elder just smirked and said, "I will add fuel to the fire. Make sure that servant hears everything!"

Lady Sylvia frowned and asked, "What are you going to do?"

The elder stared at her after putting a remark in the letter he was writing, "The Emperor is not in the mood. If I keep talking things out, he'll spit out hurtful words."

"Are you going to be alright?"

"I've lived with that, Vassily; I know what I have to do. But first, make sure she hears everything." The elder said and walked out of the room with the roll he had created. "I'm risking everything, so do your thing."

The events are frustrating Lady Sylvia, but if she keeps on throwing tantrums and does nothing, she'll lose her chances. She just needs to trust the elder now.

"Call Brielle; tell her the Emperor's looking for her." She commanded a servant, who immediately obeyed her. She doesn't have time; if she keeps letting things happen, she won't make it to the harem, and she'll be a disappointment to her family. She needs to do something, and the first step on her list is to destroy that servant.

BRIELLE CAN finally walk straight and fast without thinking of getting hurt. Good thing the Emperor became busy so he did not have spare time to bully her again. However, a lot has changed. The way people are treating her right now is scary and yet refreshing, and the way the Emperor is behaving towards her is confusing as well.

What's happening?

After her exploits with the Emperor, the wind in the palace changed. The rumors were still going, and Brielle knew everything, and that's adding to the fear she's feeling. However, she trusts that the Emperor will not let anything happen to her.

That's what, at least, she has been thinking for the past few days. But it looks like something's happening again in the Empire, making the Emperor so busy and angry at the same time. He became calm after their intimate session, but weeks later, he returned to his monstrous attitude. And maybe there's something in the Empire or in his family that's making him stressed.

What could be the problem? Is it because of her? He's not the only one struggling, though; every day, she faces new problems. The elder did not leave her alone anymore. So after she was threatened by the elder, she settled her thoughts. To be honest, she's scared. Who would not be threatened? They have the power to destroy her, and she'll just succumb to death because she has nothing. And the worst thing is that her family might get involved with her issue. Fudge, what does she need to do?

Should Brielle tell the Emperor about this? About the things happening to her? About her struggles? What about the threats she's receiving? Will he listen? What if he just laughs and makes her miserable? He's the person to laugh while watching someone suffer. And who even is she to say her struggles? She's definitely no one; she doesn't even deserve to talk with the Emperor.

Toxic Obsession: Massimo Maxence (Emperor Series, #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now