Chapter 04

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Chapter 04

THE TWILIGHT was icy like winter. Even though it is not yet winter, the whistling evening breeze is as cold as ice, which only adds to the agitation of the angry Emperor from Magnus's empire as he walks along the palace pathway to his hall.

Massimo's day was frustrating and draining. Usually even after slaughtering someone, he would typically have a comfortable and fine day. Since the pressure he is currently experiencing is nothing compared to the pressure he experienced as a child, the day should go well for him because he grew up with pressure and blood. But he's completely and amazingly ruined his day.

He grits his teeth as he walks over the bridge, watching the still water from the lake as the sun completely disappears from the skies and the leaves fall to the surface of his expensive home. It's so aggravating how the water damnably contradicts his fucking mood. Fuck, now he's annoyed by everything. He considers the strange environment and scans the unsettling region. The palace feels quite different; it is incredibly tranquil, but one would be certain that a calamity is lurking in the shadows of the peaceful night.

Indeed, an impending calamity loomed behind a placated twilight. He kept going until he reached his hall. Finally, he visited his brother, but all he received was resentment. What a fucking exhausting evening! Massimo, who just returned from Magnus' empire, is furious as hell! The mere thought of what transpired there makes his fury boil. He shouldn't have came and shouldn't have been there. Fuck! His father ruined it all.

Everyone standing in the Vassily frame has the guts to annoy him; Maximus Malik, Macsen Massey, and Magnus Maximiliano gets through him, but what makes him insane is his father. The Grand Emperor was making fun of him with his irksome look. Massimo would frequently run into Magnus, he was consistently being teased by his younger brother but he never seemed to mind. Magnus would frequently curse him, but it didn't bother him; in contrast, the Grand Emperor's straightforward remarks genuinely tore at his heart.

Everything is in shambles. He is burdened by the Grand Emperor's expectations of him, his own challenges, and that brat's never-ending issues. Magnus; the happiest and hardest times of that filthy brat's life are currently occurring.

It is obvious from his curses that Magnus would pick a battle with him. The little brat would claim that he would also run across someone, possibly an aristocracy or even a servant!

But Massimo would reply from the bottom of his hypothalamus;

"I'm allergic to servants. Low class people don't deserve to match my pace."

Magnus loves to curse him. Perhaps because he has been cursed about his lovelife so he's passing his karma to him. Emperor Massimo remembers that time when Magnus was struggling, that time was a complete mess;

The Grand Emperor just left, he stood up as well to leave the chamber after the Grand Emperor. But before he left he said, "You big dumb fuck."

Magnus looked down on him as he spat back, "Can't wait 'till your doom arrives too."

He stopped for a moment to stare at him with disgusted look, "You fucking wish, I'm not like you. I'm not weak. I don't need a woman to satisfy me and make me lose my sanity."

Magnus may appear strong and fine, but he is in pain all the time. Massimo is aware of it. But he is happy that his brother has succeeded in life's trials. He learned a lesson from seeing his brother that being involved with women is a pain and has vowed never to do the same.

Never. He promise not to fall in-love or not to involve himself with a woman.

But that wasn't what really infuriated him. Actually, he was only thinking of his brother. He can't believe how casually and unintentionally the Grand Emperor blasted his dignity and heart.

Before leaving going home, Massimo had a run-in with his father at Magnus's empire. They may appear to be alright because he has always been the one to carry out his father's instructions, but this is something that frequently occurs.

"When are you going to put women to build your fucking harem?" the Grand Emperor asked, "You're powerful since you're an Emperor. However, you need more connections to become more successful."

What the hell? What level of achievement does his father desire? Does his father anticipate that he would emulate him, who established four empires and made them the ruling class? He sure can't be as good as him or Macsen because he has a class of his own. And that's the thing his father don't understand.

Massimo as the proud man he is replied despite the pressure, "I don't need them, father."

The Grand Emperor gritted his teeth and spat loudly, his rage immediately evident. "You fucking need them to become more powerful. You need to connect with filthy rich families. Don't say you're getting involved with a bastard bitch like your little brother chasing his fucking concubine too?" he growled, "Do not disappoint me, Maxence."

Massimo's face darkened, "I am the most powerful in the Empire. I don't need them, they need me."

But the Grand Emperor did not even flinch from his darkness because the old man himself is the dark, "Fill your fucking harem and learn your fucking duties as your empire's ruler. You need an heir."

Massimo tried to control himself, "In time, father."

"It's your fucking father. He has always been annoying, there's nothing new. Calm down before blood scatters in this area."

Massimo tried his best to calm himself, however, his father's words really did push him at the edge, "Look at Macsen, he's doing really great! You should be like him too!"

Fuck. Here they are with the comparison once more. He is obviously insignificant in comparison to his intelligent but poor decision-maker brother. Why does his father feel the need to emphasize how they compare? It always happens, goddammit!

"Right father," Massimo just sighed as he replied.

The Grand Emperor finally left after saying, "Be like your brother and fucking live smartly. I did not make you the Emperor you are right now to be less competitive.

Fuck! And that's how he returned home furiously angry. He had had enough after that interaction because the Vassily family has very little patience. Magnus has irritated him before, but not to the point where he wants to ram everything and end the universe at once. Because of their differences, his father is aware of how much he distances himself from Macsen. They are aware of how much he despises Macsen and the pressure that comes with his success, but the old guy still has the temerity to compare the two of them.

"Argh!" he angrily yelled. The hall resonated with his voice, frightening everyone. The house servants began to gently leave. He's making them fearful of him once more. Who would not? He slaughters swiftly. They should stay away from him when he's on his rampage if they want to live. The unfortunate aspect of his rage is that it occurs daily.

Since everyone was leaving in front of his eyes, he simply retired to his opulent chamber to unwind and conclude the day. But for goodness' sake, an aristocrat woman is undressed and sitting on his bed.

He raised his eyebrows, "What the hell?"

"I'm here for the night, your majesty... Nothing more, just a woman with benefits for you," she clarified as she approached him with a seductive smile, "Please take me, my Emperor."

Massimo didn't waste his chances since he was irate and annoyed. As long as his hypothalamus is sane, physical contact is not problematic. He merely needs her body; she can never make him feel attracted to her. Because the only lady that ever touched his fucking hypothalamus is on low status. And he makes a promise not to develop an emotional connection with a lady, especially a servant. Fuck no! No way, disgusting.

Massimo loses all sense of time and pain when he gets angry. So he pushed his long, thick, and hard shaft in between the woman's legs who was pleading for his pleasure and mercy all at once. Just the legs.

But beyond the dark night underneath the cold twilight, he became aware of something outside of the pitch-black chamber. Something absolutely bizarre and irritating. He definitely noticed someone out of the corner of his eye as he fucked the girl. He is definitely. She'll probably be the next bunny beneath him if he ever catches that cunning one.

He observed "her" frightenedly fleeing. He saw 'that servant'.

Toxic Obsession: Massimo Maxence (Emperor Series, #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now