Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

THE PALACE is increasingly busier every day, which is a clear indication that war preparations are underway. On orders from the Emperor, patrols also walked the streets at night to make sure the populace was secure. The hunt for assassins is a top priority for the knights as the danger level in the Empire at night increases.

Brielle finally completed her labor as dusk gave way to night. She paused as she approached the veranda to take a break when someone stopped her. Her face grew pale, and if the person hadn't spoken, she would have fainted from the dread that she might be discovered by an assassin.

"I was looking for you."

In front of her, Lord Araullo was grinning adorably. Brielle experienced her worst anxiety. She is afraid of the covert figure gazing over her from nowhere, not of the night or Lord Araullo. It appears as though someone has been trailing her and silently watching her every move. She doesn't understand why she is afraid, but she is afraid that it could be the Emperor.

"Em-" She halted, realizing it was not Emperor Massimo. "Oh, greetings, Lord Araullo." She greeted and bowed.

"How are you?" The man smiled.

She replied shyly, "I'm doing good, my Lord." she replied and started walking away.

However, Lord Araullo dragged her to him before she could go, giving her the terrifying impression that someone was watching her from behind. She is more terrified by the secret vision than by what Lord Araullo is doing. She was dear to the nobleman, and he did not want to let her go.

We just started talking. "What's wrong? Where are you going now?" The man asked.

Brielle cowered and backed away, "I have something to do my Lord, please excuse me."

Lord Araullo stopped her, "Just a minute of talk won't make you lose your job."

'But I might lose my life.' She thought to herself.

"I really need to do something my lord, please allow me to go." Brielle begged.

"Beautiful," Lord Araullo said out of nowhere staring at her deeply.

Brielle's heart thumped loud and fast, "What?"

Lord Araullo slowly reached for her face and caressed it gently, "You are so beautiful. You do realize that, yeah?"

Brielle's fear arose, "T-thank you, my Lord. But please excuse me."

She attempted to flee, but Lord Araullo tenderly drew her into his arms. When she realized he was smelling her, she trembled. Her eyes began to water, and she is currently making a lot of effort to go. Her instinct is telling her to leave right once because if she doesn't, the Emperor will resume his bloodlust and ruin the peaceful day.

"Do you know that this empire is not as peaceful as you think it is?" Lord Araullo said, trying to extend the conversation.

Brielle couldn't do anything but reply in respect, "I am aware, my Lord."

"Do you want to work in my home?" He suddenly said, making Brielle nervous.

Brielle thrashed away. She succeeded. However, Lord Araullo did not let her go. "Pardon me, my Lord."

Lord Araullo laughed, "Just kidding. But you know, I'm literally hoping in secret that you would reconsider working for me. I'll give you the same salary you receive here. I could add more."

Brielle's eyes watered. She's not touched, she's getting anxious, "My Lord..."

He's really persistent about continuing the conversation, Lord Araullo said, "Did you know that Emperor Massimo is always pressured by his father, that's why he's agitated to conquer the other empire. He never told me or anyone, but I'm sure he's planning something right now. He's plotting everything that'll happen for the war." Even if it means bringing up the Emperor, which inadvertently causes Brielle to shiver with fear.

Toxic Obsession: Massimo Maxence (Emperor Series, #2) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon