x. potter stinks

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"I HOPE YOU FALL DOWN." paris joked, rolling her eyes and looking up at draco who was above her head, perched in the tree.

"potter stinks badge?" a hufflepuff boy offered her. "cedric diggory rules!"

paris looked at the box of moving-image badges, chuckling. "sure, why not?" the hufflepuff boy handed her a badge, and she pinned it on her robes.

"why so tense, potter?" draco called, looking down at the brown-haired boy who was moving swiftly across the courtyard. "my father and i have a bet, you see. i don't think you're gonna last ten minute in this tournament! he disagrees. he thinks you won't last five!" he chuckled, and crabbe and goyle chortled.
"paris thinks he might last one event, if you're lucky—"

"i don't give a damn what your father thinks, malfoy." harry marched towards him. "he's vile, and cruel. and you're just pathetic." he turned around, done with the situation and walking away through the grass.

"ha!" paris burst out laughing. "you got told."

"pathetic?" draco repeated in outrage, whipping out his wand and pointing it at harry.

"oh, no you don't, sonny!" mad eye growled, flicking his wand at draco, who wailed, spinning around in a circle as he shrunk down to a ferret. "that'll teach you not to curse someone when their back is turned!"

paris gasped, clasping her hand over her mouth to stop her laughs.

"what's going on?" eudora rushed over, as mad-eye began to wave ferret draco around.

"it's draco—" paris managed between laughs, as she clutched her stomach to stop herself from bowling over.

"stop it! let him go!" eudora exclaimed.

"you're a stinkin', cowardly, scummy—"

professor mcgonnagall hurried over, to the commotion. "professor moody! what are you doing?"

CARELESS WHISPER , h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now