Chapter 16 - Once and For All

37 3 16

Stage: Me - Cards: ac110807
- Chapter 16 - The 'Children's Crusade' -
Warnings: Tired children
Third Person POV

"You snuck in to talk to Jack?!" Cards, Spot, Race, Blink, and Davey exclaims, wide-eyed.

Stage shrugs. "I used the word 'crap', too."

Cards high-fives Stage.

Spot and Davey facepalm.

Blink and Race stood wide-eyes just staring at them.

"You need to hang out with Crutchie, Elmer, and JoJo more" Davey mumbles, rubbing the temples of his head.

"You went and visited a traitor?" Spot questions, looking at Stage.

"That traitor is our brother who betrayed all of us to save us all, and just saved you, your brother, and your sister, Davey" Stage responds.

The Newsies in front of her exchange glances. She wasn't wrong...

"Come on," Stage states, almost pleadingly. "Jack did it to protect us. If you can't trust him, trust me, because I haven't done anything to break your trust."

"Fine." Spot finally caved, knowing she was right. "Let's go, lead the way, Stage."

Stage hugs him quickly, before walking out of the house.

Katherine's house

Stage walked in, most Newsies following her.

She watched as Jack suddenly got pretty nervous when he saw all of the Newsies.

Stage puts her hand on his shoulder. "You'll be okay."

Jack nods, gulping a bit, before he goes over to them.

A few minutes later, Cards goes over to Stage and Katherine, who were talking with Darcy and Bill. "Morning Bill, morning Darcy."

The two boys wave, Darcy half asleep, with Bill's arms wrapped around him, as Bill chuckled. "Darcy is not a morning person."

"It's 1am. If I had the choice, I'd be asleep now, too" Stage responds, causing the others to laugh.

"You can go back to the Lodge, and sleep." Cards suggests. "I'll have someone go with you."

"No, I can't." Stage shakes her head. "I'm gonna stay here and help."

They talk for a few minutes, before looking to Jack.

Jack: There's change coming once and for all
You makes the front page and man, you is major news

Jack, Davey: Tomorrow they'll see what we are

Katherine smiles, walking over to them.

Jack, Davey, Katherine: And sure as a star, we ain't come this far...
To lose

Race let's the rest of the Newsies run inside. "Here they come!"

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