Chapter 9 - "Never Fear, Brooklyn's Here!"

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Stage: Me - Cards: ac110807
- Chapter 9 - A Bit of Revenge -
Warning: Soaking, Fighting
Third Person POV

Cards was in the middle of fighting with a lot of scabs, when she heard a familiar voice.
"Never fear, Brooklyn's here!"

Cards looks up, as a bunch of pebbles, or as the Brooklyn Newsies called them 'shooters', shot down at the scabs.

This is one of those times where I am very thankful that they practice so much. I really don't want to get hit with one of those, Cards thinks to herself.

"It's Brooklyn!" Mush shouts, as the other Manhattan Newsies cheer.

Cards bites her lip, and rolls her eyes, holding back a sarcastic remark. DD, who noticed this and chuckled, winks at her, and she rolls her eyes again.

Spot slides down using his pimp-cane, as he calls it, as Ace and Smokes jump down next to Cards.

"Told you we'd be here" Spot tells Cards, who rolls her eyes.

"And why were you late?" Cards questions, punching a scab in the eye. The scab had tried to sneak up behind Spot.

"That, my friend, is what you call a dramatic entrance" Spot answers. Cards rolls her eyes again.

"Dramatic alright" She mumbles. Spot rolls his eyes as Ace and Smokes laugh.

They continue fighting scabs, until they finally win against the scabs, pushing them back into their 'hiding spot'.

Cards high-fives DD as she hears someone skipping towards her.

She turns around an dis immediately engulfed in a hug.

"Stage. I'm pretty sure I told you to stay in the Lodge" Cards reminds her best friend, who pulls away from her, grinning.

"Specs said we could watch from above. He took me up there" Stage responds, pointing to the top of the Distribution center. At least she was safe, Cards thinks to herself.

"Yeah, she was right next to me when I was shooting" Hotshot tells Cards, as he walks over to the group, Ike trailing behind him.

"That's dangerous" Cards states, turning back to Stage.

"I'm not anymore hurt than I was last night, am I?" Stage questions, a bit of a smirk on her face since she knew she was right.

"That face is going to be the death of me" Cards mumbles, turning away from Stage as she points to her.

Stage smiles, satisfied with herself, as the boys around them laugh.

"Jack! Can I get a picture of you all for the New York Sun?!" Stage hears Katherine shout to Jack, who nods.

"Sure!" Jack shouts back. Cards pulls Stage over to where they were taking the picture.

Stage and Cards had their arms around each other, like Blink and Spot did. They were next to Blink and Spot, too.

Stage booped Cards noise, and Cards pulled down Stage's hat to cover her eyes as the camera flash went off, blinding them for a second.

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