Chapter 28 - Newsflash! (But Not Actaully) Weasel is a Jerk. (Modern AU)

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Stage: Me - Cards: ac110807
- Chapter 28 - New People-
Warnings: Detention, Weasel?
Third Person POV

A/N, other characters: (I'm scared I got it wrong lol)

The lovely Quills is - -DaWoildIsYerErster-
The lovely Dreamer is - queenofnarnia101
The lovely Notes is - ChristineDaae2727
Disclaimer: Before we get into this, Cards suggested the idea when we talked about detention and Modern AU ideas at one point lol.

Stage and Cards laugh a bit together, resting their foreheads against each other's.

Grace, nicknamed Cards, was pulled out of her daydream by her best friend, who ironically had the nickname Stage, like one of the girls in her daydreams.

"I got detention!" Stage exclaims, panic clear in her bright blue eyes. "Jack and Davey are going to kill me-"

"You did what?" Cards questions, looking up at her.

Stage turns to face her, and Cards could see her panic.

"Wiesel! He gave me detention!" She exclaims. "I had forgotten my homework, since I didn't hear that we had any and he doesn't believe me." She informs her best friend.

Cards sighs deeply. She hated her teacher. Mr. Wiesel.

He was a horrible teacher, hated by most students and staff. He was nicknamed 'Weasel' among the Newsies.

Cards grabs Stage's hand and their backpacks, dragging her down the hallway.

Stage stares at her, nervously. "What are you doing, Cards?" She questions.

Cards let's go of her wrist, walking up to Weasel.

She stares him up and down. "Weasel, you're fat." She states.

Both Stage and Weasel's eyes widened in shock.

"Detention!" Weasel shouts, before stomping into his classroom.

"Cards-" Stage starts, eyes still wide.

"He was being rude. He knows you're in the process of getting a 504 for your hearing." Cards states, cutting her off. "I'm not leaving you alone in there, especially not with the Delancey brothers watching detention."

Stage nods, swallowing hard. "Thanks."

Cards nods, pulling out her phone to text someone.

Stage sat next to her, tapping her foot.

It was free period/lunch, and the two girls were honestly surprised that they hadn't seen one of their friends yet.

Cards placed her phone down, taking Stage's hands in her own.

Stage was about to start crying.

"Sage, breath with me." Cards guides her, breathing in and out. "You're not going to be in trouble. Weasel is an idiot." She reminds her.

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