Chapter 4

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I looked up from my phone too see, the boy. My eyes widened and i froze in place.

He just stared at me.

"Hello Ariana" He said still staring at me.

"How do you know my name?" I managed to choke out.

"Thats for only me to know princess" He stated. What a jerk.

"Whats your name?" I said being brave.

"Jason. Jason McChann." He said with evil in his eye.

"Have you been...watching me?" I asked. I wanted to know. Next thing i knew, I was being pulled into Jason's car.


"Did you call her?" I asked Chaz

"Yea 5 times. Shes not answering." Chaz stated. Was she mad at us?

"Is she mad at us"? Ryan asked confused.

"No. She has no reason to be." Chaz said while looking at me and Ryan.

"Well, her phones obviously not dead and she isnt mad at us". I said. Then it hit me..

"What if..shes in danger"? I asked them both.

"I have a tracker device. It can tell me where anyone is on my contact list." Ryan said and took out his phone. Moments later he spoke up.

"Guys, this isnt good" He spoke.

'Where is she"? We asked.

"At Jason McChann's house". We all froze

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