Chapter 22

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"What do you mean your hanging out with Jason"? I spoke harshly as Ariana's eyes widened to my tone of voice.

"We'll be over there" Chaz said grabbing Ryan's hand running into the lunch room.

"Yea didnt i tell you we were friends now" She questioned, standing in front of me.

"Yea, sorry. " I apologized for overreacting. I mean, who wouldnt freak out if there girlfriend decided to hang out with a criminal.

"Dont worry about it" She looked up at me with her light brown eyes.

"I just dont trust him, thats all. Hes done a lot of things in the past that you dont know about. Things i hope he never does again. Im worried for you" I spoke calmly.

"Thanks for caring about me Justin, but i can protect myself" She smiled, unsure of herself.

"Im hungry" I said letting out a chuckle.

"Same, lets go" She smiled.


Ariana's POV-

"Hey Ariana" I heard a familiar voice come up behind me. I turned around to see Jason standing there in a black hoodie, jeans, and black supras.

"Hi Jason. You love black, dont you"? I smirked along with my question. Jason walked closer to me, sitting down on the bench next to me.

"Yea" He chuckled. He pulled down his hoodie, flipping his hair afterwards making me smile to myself.

"How does your hair stay like that"? I laughed, referring to his hair flip.

"Like what"? He laughed through his words.

"After you flip it, it just stays the exact same. Like it doesnt move" I said while touching his hair with my fingers gently.

"Aye aye not the hair" He said moving my hands away.

"Sorry" I said looking down.

"Dont worry about it" He said moving his hair in place again.

"So whats going on Grande" Jason said looking at me with his pale face and golden brown eyes. Kinda like Justin's. Infact, he kinda did look like a younger Justin.

"Not much. And yourself McChann"? I said playing along with the last name basis.

"Not really much. Its just.." He trailed off, zoning out. I gave him a questioning look kinda worried too.

"You okay?" I questioned him with one eyebrow up.

"Yea its just, the guys" He said shaking his head. He seemed upset, making me wonder what was going through his brain.

"The guys?" I continued to stare at him. Just then, his beautiful brown eyes met mine. Wait, why am i thinking like this?

"The guys think your gonna get in the way of our buisness" Jason said staring into my eyes. There buisness?

"What buisness?" I asked, trying ti find out more about him. He was an intereating person to get to know.

"Im a criminal Ariana" He paused staring deeply into my eyes now. He had my full attention. "I make bombs, i set things on fire, i kill people. Its how i live, i grew up to it" He said half yelling. Every word he spoke made my heart sink.

"Its okay" I said comforting him. "If thats how you wanna live, be my guest. I have no right to judge you. Look i know we didnt have a good past, but thats all behind us now. " I paused, his eyes staring into mine.

"And its not like were dating, so why would i get in the way?" I finished my completely true statement.

"Your right, its not like were dating" He said looking depressed.

"Jason-" I got cutoff.

"No its fine. Your with Justin...and your happy. Isnt that what matters? Your happiness?" He said looking up at me.

"To you it might but i cant see you upset about this. It kills me inside to know people are upset because of me" I stated deeply.He stared at me for awhile.

"Im sorry, I just..I like you a lot. Jason McChann has never had a soft side. He doesnt know what to do" He said, his voice getting low.

"No its not your fault Jason. Im sorry for saying 'no' to you. I sound like such a bitc-"

"Ariana dont say sorry. Your just in love with someone else. I get it. I understand. Dont worry about me, ill be fine" He said half smiling.

"Thanks Jason, i really apprieciate you understanding" I said getting up smiling.

"No problem Ari" He smiled.

"I should probably get home, school tomorrow" I said sighing. "Hey what school do you go too"?

" I dont go to school" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face.

"Bye Jason" I called back.

"Bye Beautiful" He replied making my stomach get filled with butterflies.


A/N- OHMYGOD 2,978 READS?! DF?! lmao thanks so much for reading guys, you have no idea how much it means to me :)

So, Ariana and Jason had a pretty deep conversation. Justin and Ariana had their first fight.

Question time!

1) Do you ship Jariana or Jarison ?

comment, vote, and plz follow!♥



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